Common for mothers to have sex with their sons in 0 AD britain?


Don’t need to read the classics. Just read this forum threads where people quite openly and credulously state that xyz culture (never their own for some reason) has this weird sexual practice. Everybody else is guilty of sexual debauchery and prudishness (ideally at the same time). We on the other hand, have gotten human sexuality

We’ve all read a lot of BS in our days, but most of us don’t bother posting it as if it were factual.

Imagine what would be thought of our culture if some future anthropologist found only the recorded episodes of Jerry Springer and nothing else. :smiley:

Also Lot and his daughters. The issue of which unions supposedly went on to found neighboring nations of the Hebrews.

The Master has a word about this. Perhaps that’s where you read it.

If you poke around on the seedier less reputable boards than this one (eg 4chan), you’ll see a lot of hentai , perverted manga comics. Mother / son incest is a pretty common theme, of course the mother is always portrayed as unrealistically young and hot. So in other words, nope, just fantasy material for people that are into that kind of thing.

This long and you guys still don’t get PSXer’s style of humor? He’s riffing on the joke that this is just literotica that the OP has accepted as fact.


Some things I distinctly remember from a Sociology 101-type class about 20 years ago:

There are cultures in which mothers and other caretakers orally stimulating their infant/toddler sons is considered par for the course. (obligate "eww!)

Onset of menarche for adolescent girls is premature when a stepfather is present, in any culture (think about that one, and why that might be…:eek:)

Some cultures find relations between (say) aunts and nephews taboo, but not uncles and nieces. Or vice versa, I forget.

Similarly, there was a strong cultural impetus in early Jewish culture for a man to marry his brother’s widow, especially if the original marriage was without issue (children).

Historically, right after a war, more boy babies are born. Also, there seems to be a trend of daughters being born when a couple has lots of intercourse, but sons born when intercourse is seldom.

That one is true. I live in that culture now.

No cite, but I remember seeing a museum exhibit on Ancient Egypt – I think at the Chicago Field Museum – that said 19th century Egyptologists had been horrified to learn from surviving Ancient Egyptian documents that brother/sister incest was apparently incredibly common. And not just in the royal family either, seemingly everyone was getting it on with their siblings.

Then they figured out that the words they were translating as “brother” and “sister” were also used as romantic endearments and didn’t mean the people were actually related.

This may seem odd until you think about how future anthropologists might react to contemporary pop song lyrics. For instance, Sir Mix-a-Lot’s “Baby Got Back” is not about being aroused by infant backsides, and when he sings “Give me a sister, I can’t resist her” he doesn’t mean that he’s overcome with lust for his female siblings.

Even legitimate primary sources can lead scholars to erroneous conclusions.