"Community" (new NBC show)

Another great line:

“'Knock knock! My fist up your balls!”

“Who’s there?”

And damn but Anthony Michael Hall got old. (Why is it I’m not aging and I’m about the same age he is?)

No, I think it was actually more like:

“Knock knock…my fist up your balls!”

“Um…who’s there?”

Damn it, you edited it, Sampiro! Now my post looks dum.

Great line.

Best half-hour of TV that I’ve seen in a long time. More than the “lazy man’s atheist” line, I like how every time they brought it up everyone booed and threw stuff at him.

Troy: Yeah, but we don’t celebrate birthdays or christmas. And we can’t drink – but it helps.
Abed: So you’re like a muslim. Asalaam alaykum.
Troy: Shamma-lamma ding dong.

Pierce: I’ll teach Jeff to box. Troy I assume you’re good with a switch blade. Abed, you better run back to your families tent and get a chicken for him to chase.

I say agnostic because… I don’t know for sure, (nor does my brother). I have a good idea that the chances are slim, but I’m not 100% sure of much of anything. I just weigh the likelihood. So my answer may be more ambiguous and less decisive, which is why I laughed when I heard it. I think there’s flaws with the “spaghetti monster” argument. If we knew there WAS a God, I would presume it wouldn’t be what anyone on Earth expected, (can’t be compared to specific metaphors). “Spaghetti Monster” may work for any Earthly conceived God. But I see how far we’ve come with science, and how vast the universe is… I don’t know for sure. Maybe God’s long dead. It would be easier to say Atheist, but even Dawkins, (I have no site for this), didn’t rule out the possibility of life being a simulation of sorts. He didn’t think it was, but IF it was, I would assume there would be a “creator”. I’m not betting on it though, (nor did he, it seemed).

I say “Jew” all the time, I can see in some ways it may be offensive… but I haven’t been pissing off my Jewish friends for all these years, have I??

it’d be more likely had you typed “i haven’t been pissing off my Jew friends for all these years, have i?”

I was close to doing that… just to be a dick, but I’m just a poor man’s atheist. So who am I to make fun? :smiley:

But really… it’s all in HOW it’s said, right?

I live up north, and I used the word “beaner” not knowing it had anything to do with anyone for a long time… I would just say; “Anyone in the mood for baked beaners?” So… I may be wrong and just not know it.

In the South Jew/Jewish is largely an age and class distinction. Old people and rednecks and particularly old rednecks will often refer to “a Jew family who runs a store over there” or “a Jew doctor from Birmingham”- it’s used the same as saying a Jewish family or Jewish doctor. Whether or not the person is anti-semitic or just being neutral either way it’s the same colloquialism.

It’s funny reading historical writings from the 19th/early 20th century and reading references to various Jews such as (Confederate politician) Judah Benjamin or (politician/Macy’s owner/Titanic victims) Mr. & Mrs. Isidore Strauss or Emma Lazarus as Hebrews or Israelites or Tribe of Shem- and often as not they’re not intentionally being insulting, it’s just another term for Jewish. (IIRC Disraeli was sometimes referred to as D’Israelite by his detractors.)

Thanks, that’s actually pretty interesting. I derailed a bit, but my uncle and I were just talking about the need to categorize “trash”. He asked me pointblank if I thought he was a racists. I was proud that I looked him dead in the eye and said yes as soon as he finished his inquiry. “Human trash” needs to be sorted and categorized by him. I’m just ignorant myself. But at least I admit it. There are just too many insults, and PC terms for me to remember or probably have even heard of. But I *know *people are just people, unlike him, (of course).
…A little more on topic, I heard Chevy Chase is hard to work with. Am I getting my SNL personalities mixed up, or has anyone else heard this?

He definitely has that reputation. I think he’s mellowed in recent years though, and some people (like Goldie Hawn) have said he’s always been fine with them. He also had a drug problem for many years that probably didn’t help much but is evidently now resolved.

There was a roast of him on Comedy Central a few years ago so brutal that Comedy Central won’t replay it, which if you’ve seen the ones they did of Shatner or Flavor Flav or others which they do replay you’ll know just how brutal that had to be.

I’d be really interested to see that, or at least clips of it.

There are bits and pieces of it on YouTube. As with all Friar’s Club roasts it’s full of VERY NSFW LANGUAGE.

Very funny episode. Only nitpick is that Jehovah’s Witnesses can and do drink.

They preach extreme moderation in alcohol though. The ones I’ve known (most of my father’s family were JWs) were teetotallers on the logic that “alcohol isn’t forbidden but intoxication is, and if you can’t get intoxicated then why drink alcohol?”

[HIJACK] The JWs are akin to the Mormons to me in “religions whose ideology makes me bleed from both eyes and two wildcard other orifices but to whom I also have to give some humble props”. With the JWs the props are for their views on race.
Even today the vast majority of churches down here are segregated. This may be so everywhere, I don’t know, and obviously it’s not law

but it is Tradition, tradition…. A church may have a few members of a different race from the pastor, but most congregations are overwhelmingly black or overwhelmingly white [bi/multi racial being kind of no-mans land but usually lean towards the black churches] and that the same race as the pastor.
The JWs I knew in my childhood- my father’s cousins and aunts- truly were some of the most racially colorblind southerners I knew, especially for rural and older people. The Kingdom Hall was integrated, always had been, and blacks and whites referred to each other as Brother and Sister and socialized even when that had major stigmas. My great-uncle and his wife and my old maid “last people you’d ever think had been arrested” twin great aunts (these shifty looking criminals*) had in fact been jailed for participating in a protest for the false arrest of a black congregation member (a case that went all the way to the Supreme Court, incidentally), and they made no distinction black from white in their personal relationships.

That said, one of my father’s cousins (son of the uncle mentioned above) convinced his wife to try and cause a miscarriage by jumping off their porch repeatedly ca. 1946 because it was prophesied the world was going to end in 1948 and all children under (7? 8? 12? 30? can’t remember) were ineligible for heaven or for the New Earth (JWs have no hell, just extinction, and only 144,000 will go to heaven- the rest come to an earthly paradise) and they didn’t want to get attached to a kid who wouldn’t be joining them for eternity. The miscarriage didn’t happen, but I don’t remember if that was that child or her sister who when I was little gave birth to a child who she was going to let die because it needed a blood transfusion at birth and she wouldn’t consent; the transfusion was only achieved because of my father waking up a judge in the middle of the night who wrote a handwritten order to proceed with the transfusion on a piece of my first grade fat-lined paper (it was what my father had handy in the car).

One of those “why doesn’t life have more line-item vetoes” things.[/hijack]

*The other person is my grandmother, their sister-in-law. She was racist as hell. Didn’t like most white people either. Not a JW though.

I used to be a JW until my mid teens and a lot of my family still are. I have never come across any anti-drinking preaching aside from the normal anti-alcoholism stuff. Drinking is common at any JW social gathering (however you are right that it’s rare that anyone would get drunk in such a setting.)

Thanks for that link, some funny lines in those clips----I too have heard that Chevy Chase is (was?) known as an egotistical asshole even by Hollywood standards, but while he dosent seem to be especially thrilled with the roasting, (and in fact he looks a wee bit pissed in a couple of shots) it takes some measure of humor/good sportsmanship to open yourself to that kind of brutal critique…

I sincerely appreciated Annie’s frustration with people calling her “a Jew.” I have a friend who does that from time to time, and she still doesn’t quite get how it’s just not cute or funny. I’m not religious, and I’ll be the first to point it out, but something just feels…pointed and *mean *about being called “a Jew” instead of Jewish.

In other news, i heart this show.

Well, maybe there’s a polaroid of you in a closet somewhere…

Maybe it’s the one syllable, “abridged” aspect of it. Now that I think about it, I guess I say it because that’s what my Jewish friends say. I guess it’s all about the individual?

I like Barry Longyear’s definition: “An agnostic is an atheist who doesn’t want to talk about it.” Fits me pretty well. I’m just tickled that the show even brought it up.