Considering a move to Olympia, WA. What should I know?

That is great information, Moejoe thank you so much! We are hoping to be able to get up there soon. After what has been said, I think that the place is a good fit for us. We are hoping it lines out to be able to go by March or April. Thank you guys so much!

Texas and PNW culture are really really different. PNW is kind of a blend of Upper Midwest and Hippie/Progressive. Neither highly represented in TX.

My mom’s from Wisconsin and I grew up in CA in the 60’s-70’s so I fit in completely. I’d love to move up there and have my dream goat farm. It’s my perfect climate too.

Do’s: Smile politely and be responsible and low key. Dress like you buy your clothes at REI. Act as if it’s not raining, like the natives do. Otherwise you may never go out of doors.
Don’t: Expect much at first in terms of a loving welcome. It’s not an extroverted culture.