Contents of glove compartments, and/or gentlemen’s rules for living

The Wiki article on “Glove Compartment” provides a wry essay of esoterica beyond what you need to know, but of dubious authenticity. Worth a read if you have a minute to kill.

What do you do with that? I don’t even own any hand moisturizer, but if I did, I’m not sure I’d need it in the car.

Well, as the name implies, I use it to moisturize the skin on my hands. There are several things that commonly dry out people’s hands. Many of them work in combination. They include—

  1. Having naturally dry hands, which can develop or intensify with age.

  2. Washing hands with soap, or using alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

  3. Dry weather, particularly in winter.

  4. HVAC systems, particularly in winter.

The principal active ingredient in skin moisturizer is urea, and there is a much cheaper, readily available source of urea than what you find in glitzy dispenseers in the health and beauty aide aisle… Pee on your hands.

Urine is also an efficient anti-bcterial, so you won’t need to wash your hands so often, either.

Were it any other poster, I would take this as an amusing it of trivia. With you, I feel the need to explain exactly why I choose not to do that.

Well, it doesn’t get really cold around here very often, so we’re not wise in the ways of Cold. Plus, if I kept them in the house, I’d have to 1. Find them, and 2. Remember to bring them. :slight_smile: Anyway, for me it works better to keep them in the car.