Continuing discussion of SpaceX launches [edited title]

Official stream should be here:

Well, that was anticlimactic…

Brief ignition, then abort. “Out of bounds start up”. (detected by computer) MIGHT try again today (but I wouldn’t bet on it)


I just connected to the SN10 livestream. Launch hold at T-0.1?

Just saw @N9IWP’s comment. Post-ignition abort.

Are these Raptor engines being noticeably touchy?

I think I’m glitching them, every time I connect to the livestream the launch fails or gets cancelled.

They’re going to try again in two hours, according to Insprucker.

Hang in there. The launch director just said they think they can make another attempt in about 2 hours. Must have been a very simple problem.

Should I close youtube to avoid the curse?

Don’t even think about the launch! You’re cursing it with your mind. We’ll tell you what happened later.

In the same way that buying a new telescope guarantees several weeks of cloudy weather.

how can I not think about something?, I’ll try thinking about an elephant…

Should be another attempt at half-past.

Okay should be imminent! In the next 10 mins - fingers crossed!

It’s upright!

I clicked in at T-1:00. What are the odds? That was totally cool. Bravo SpaceX!

Oh wow, it just exploded! Bit of a delayed action, that!

Was about to say that they probably weren’t going to reuse the hull, but they’re definitely saving those Raptors… apparently not!

Haha that was amazing in every possible way.

Well, I guess I tuned out too soon!