Controversial encounters between law-enforcement and civilians - the omnibus thread #2

An LASD spokesperson declined to comment, saying the department was not familiar with the report. In response to family members’ formal complaints of harassment, LASD has frequently concluded that “employee conduct appears reasonable”, records show.

I mean, fuck the LASD. Fuck them and their departmental gang culture hard.

He is accused of being what Mesa police are calling “the East Valley Rapist.” Eight cases of sexual assault between July 1999 and October 2001 were connected by similar suspect behavior and three were connected by DNA

I’m John Daly. I wear badge. DUM Da DUM DUM

It’s not clear who killed the baby, but I think it likely it was the police.

I’m sure the baby was crawling towards the police in an aggressive manner.

Have you spent any time around babies? Every baby is a mobile Superfund toxic site, or a potential “dirty bomb”, if you will. I can understand why a police officer would feel threatened.




We used to call those huge run-up-the-back diapers they get when they’re teething the MOAD. Mother Of All Diapers, that is. Deadly to the untrained individual.

While most of these are from the U.S. here is one from Brazil with 25 dead!

Just watched How to fix a drug Scandal

We know we can’t trust cops. Turns out we cannot trust prosecutors either.

2 Mass. chemists who testify in drug cases in different parts of the state. One found to be falsifying reports and the other found to be a junkie that was getting high on the job and stealing the evidence she was supposed to test, then lying about it. OK, that’s bad enough.

But then the DA’s and assistants for Attorney General started lying their asses off about the scope of the scandal.

Next A.G. forms a committee with two retired judges and two State Troopers to investigate misconduct by the prior A.G.s office. The committee does a shit job and lies it’s ass off. They collect a bunch of emails where Asst AGs admit to knowing that the scandal went on YEARS longer than they told the press and admit to hiding evidence.

2 Asst A.G.s in particular admitted on the stand (in lawsuit years later) that they had withheld exculpatory evidence and lied to a judge about it. The Judge, ruling for the plaintiff, said these two defrauded the court. (They faced no consequences whatsoever)

Fuck Florida, and all cops therein.

Lawyers for the officers involved said Ford invaded their privacy and ignored several commands to stop filming, which justified the charges of “intercepting oral communications and obstruction without violence.”

Lying sunsabeeches. But at least the kid wasn’t shot.

Reporters who report on criminal justice should learn to understand the fucking court systems that they’re reporting on. This was not a federal court; it was a Florida state court.

If and when this woman takes her case to the federal courts, I’d be willing to bet all the money I have in my account that, unless she was actually impeding the arrest in some way, she will prevail. The federal courts have been very clear, in a wide variety of cases, that you have a constitutional right to record police doing their duty in public, as long as you don’t impede their work.

Good one!

They could argue “It was a difficult collar. They’re all difficult collars. And there she was, filming us. It was a distraction. We need to be able to concentrate on the collar, keep our wits about us in this perilous city. Distractions are a dangerous impediment to getting our job done.” If they claim that she said one word or waved or in any way attracted their attention, they will call that “impeding”.

Good news from Alabama:

I don’t recall seeing this story from Denver posted back in 2019 and then we missed it again in January when this story ran:

It was three years ago and it proves it has ALWAYS been business as usual.

The indictment also alleges Chauvin held the 14-year-old by the throat and struck him “multiple times in the head with a flashlight.”

I wonder how they know this. I assume he was all alone, since any of the good cops who were in the area would have immediately acted to stop him.

Bodycam footage, a second officer on the scene and the mom was there, too:

I have my misgivings about piling on Chauvin. It feels like a distraction. As detestable as that particular dirtbag is, there are hundreds or thousands of other badgstards out there right now. Focusing on Chauvin makes it feel like something has been accomplished when virtually nothing has.