Cool spider

Yeah, I know, which is why “Keeping one as a pet” was underlined as opposed to “is not a good idea.” That link was intended purely as an indication that some people do keep them as pets.

Ah, gotcha. Thanks, Jeff.

No problem. :slight_smile:

Yes, but we have these nasty little buggers …

The Brown Recluse:

(Warning: Gross pictures of Brown Recluse spider bites)

Something curious about spiders,how come they won’t get stuck in their web?

There’s a Staff Report on this. In fact, they can get stuck in their own webs, but it rarely happens. It’s rare for the same reason it’s rare for you to fall down the stairs: you know your own home and how to move around in it; so does the spider.


Jeff Olsen, is your name actually Jeff Olsen? I went to middle school (1997-2000) in San Diego with a Jeff Olsen who, IIRC, was originally from Wisconsin or had parents from there or somesuch. Would you by chance happen to be him?


Whoops! Preview is my friend… :smiley:

OK, this is a really weird coincidence, but just tonight, I was out exploring the field behind my house and I saw two of these same spiders. They were HUGE (several inches long) and I was simultaneously awe-struck and totally squicked out. I wanted to look up what type of spider they are, but I forgot until I saw this thread.

percypercy, I thank for you for helping me identify my 8-legged neighbor. They are amazing, aren’t they?

This is my favorite of our frequent arachnoid guests. They can be quite large, and the color is just gorgeous.

I’m also fond of the clunky, clumsy, but still neato [url="]Micrathena[/url.



I owe you a thank you. We found an Argiope at the garden center I work at and I was just about to go surf the net to find out what it was. It really is a cool spider and I actually saved it’s life today as someone who works with me wanted to kill it.

Indeed it is. I’ve been using my real name since our days at AOL (I was jolsen5723 then). Your friend from San Diego isn’t me but could be a relative, I have some cousins out there and did have family in Wisconsin.

Shutthefuckup! I’m going to have to lay down for a while. :eek:

Bumping this to say we actually have 4 of them in the backyard. At least, that’s all we’ve found so far. They really are so beautiful.