Cooper the Portugese Water dog's tails




Dad bought some baby chickens yesterday! and now I’m obsessed with them! I constantly whine at the door to the cellar where he’s hiding them! I think he’s trying to cook them! but he’s going about it all wrong! that deep red light bulb doesn’t seem to make enough heat to cook them! it just seems to make them comfy

And I’m sad because Dad won’t let me play with them, they look so soft and cuddly… and delicious…


He calls the yellow ones “Buff Orpingtons” and the dark mottled ones “Plymouth Rocks”, he says it’s their job to eat the ticks and other bugs in the yard, as well as snails, slugs, worms, and all the grass they can eat…
…but dad gets mad when I eat grass! why do the chickens get a free pass on it? No fair!


Okay, gotta go obsess at the cellar door some more…

Cooper! Good to hear from you, buddy! I’ve been wondering what your human has been so busy with lately that we haven’t heard from you.

Okay, Coop, you gotta be nice to the chickens. No, not nice like eating the chickens. Nice like guarding the chickens when they get bigger and something nasty comes in the yard and tries to hurt them. These chickens are your responsibility, Coop ol’ pal. You gotta keep 'em safe. Any tick that a chicken eats is one less tick likely to get on you, so they are doing you a big favor!

Tell you dad to post pictures of the chickens. He know the rules: No discussions of cute baby animals without pictures.

Be a good boy, Cooper, and love on them chickens!

It’s been a while since last post, and there’s lots to tell…

Dad has updated my [pho-to-buk-it page](Photobucket | Make your memories fun! pics) with a few new photos! there’s one of me sitting on Dad’s metal detector so he’ll pay attention to me, and a couple of me in my… Pond!

Yes, that’s right, water isn’t as scary as I thought it’d be, in fact, it makes cooling off in the hot summer sun easier (it’s no fun having thick black curly fur, I’m a four legged heat sink for Og’s sake)

Mom and niece have taken me to the pond every day since the weekend, and dad takes me there after he comes home from work, dad was a big help in making me not scared of the water, as he went swimming on the weekend too, so I could see water was Not Scary

Oh, and here’s a page of dad’s chickens…

Zeus here.
Glad you are getting over your fear of the water, I still don’t like it.

Them are great chickens. I’ll tell you a secret, they will be better chickens if they get a lot of exercise. It is your job to chase them & make them run… Trust me on this… :smiley:

One of my dogs wants a pond. Sometimes she gets out of the yard and runs across the road and swims in the pond there. And one of the horses would like a pond - he’ll climb with both front feet into the water trough and play until he splashes all the water out.

I could probably deepen a section of the creek - it usually only has water during the winter and spring, and run off in the summer, but if I dug out a section, maybe that wouldn’t evaporate.


I iz Harriet. You sexy beast. You can sniff mah butt anytime.

:: wags ::

Okay, it’s official!

Water is GOOD! I LOVE to swim, Dad took me down to my pond and I swam almost the whole one acre length, THREE times, and Dad swam with me, I was a lot faster though :smiley:

We spent a half hour swimming, boy is swimming exhausting, but fun, plus there are bullfrogs to chase at the edge of the water, a family of painted turtles, and Dad says there are things called large-mouth bass in the pond as well, I didn’t see any though, wonder where they’re hiding, I wanna be friends with them too

Tired now, sleepy time now…

Just remember when Dad is being all hustle & bustle, just take him swimming & you can both nap then.

Your friend Zeus

Dad dropped me off at a really nice doggie daycare place today, as Mom and Niece are up on Monhegan island in Maine for this weekend, and Sis is picking up Nephew from Boy Scout camp today

The DDC place is a two minute drive from Dad’s work, and it’s really nice, lots of freinds to play with, and they even post pictures of us having fun on the web, after noon or so, you can go here, select today’s date and see me with my new freinds

Cool place…

This shot is awesome. :smiley:

I’m at K9 Kaos again today, I’m getting a haircut, and then into daycare to play with new freinds, JOY! more playtime for Cooper, more freinds for Cooper!

photos here this afternoon

There are some great shots there, including some closeups.
Do you know how they’re getting the shots? Is it a person standing behind a regular camera or are they using some type of pole/remote capture setup? If it’s a person, I’d bet they ended up on their keyster after being bowled over by a wet dog in #95.

Sorry for not updating for a while, but I have some BIG news!

They FINALLY trust me off leash!!! (Mostly, I’m still on probation), for the past few days, when we go out, I don’t have that horrible retract-o-leash attached to me, I’m free to run around, but always return when called, sure I have the occasional lapse, but overall, they trust me, I even passed the “deer test”, sure, I chased, but I returned when dad called me back!


Whoa! That is huge. :eek: My people don’t let ME do that. But I almost never remember to come back. :o From Kona the Swiss Mountain dog cross

Another random update…

Dad says I’m really good at herding my chickens and keeping them safe, when dad says “bring 'em in!” I know to take them to the closest spot I’ve determined as safe, typically a big bushy shrub to hide under, when he says “in the barn” I know he wants me to put them in the barn, typically because it’s their bedtime or there are stupid red tailed Hawks overhead

Dad now understands why I “chase” the white tailed deer, I’m not chasing them, I’m herding them off the property, I herd them to about the pond, then break off once I know they’re leaving, they need to go away and take their yucky deer ticks with them, also I don’t want them jumping in front of Dad’s car and wrecking it, deer are stupid!

I found something that I really hate though, COWS, man they totally creep me out, they can’t possibly be animals, I think they’re some form of motile fungus, or perhaps a very active mineral, either way, I hate 'em, even if they are made of hamburgers and steaks

There was one a few days ago in the middle of the road dad was driving on, and, of course, I had to scare it off for dad, I did this by puttin on my “barks like a meth addled chihuahua on caffeine” furious barking, all whilst throwing myself against the windows to show that…cow… I meant business, it may be edible and tasty, but it can’t be trusted, they’re evil, evill I say!

Cooper, Zeus here.
Cows, meh, for me it is horses.
I don’t hate them but I can’t help but try to heard them.
They are so disdainful about it that I can’t stand it.

It does not help that Dad keeps falling down laughing at me when I do this.
:::::::: grump ::::::::::::

Dad made me add this. ::: I am so ashamed… !!! :::

eh, you don’t need thumbs. Simply insert nose into the gap behind the door and push sideways. See how easy it is:

It would be almost OK for them to do that if they would close the door afterwards.

Dad played a really mean trick on me tonight…

He was eating some yummy Pad Thai and wouldn’t share no matter how often I used my sad puppy dog eyes, I know I’m not supposed to beg but what he did was really mean…

After he was done eating, he went to hand me what looked like a tasty treat, a yellow wedge of something that looked tasty…

I bit into it


Lemons are even more evil than cows!

Dad felt bad for tricking me and made up for it with some tasty doggie treats, and we’re going for a ride now too, so I can’t be too mad at him