Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Thread - 2021 Breaking News

Hawaii has been enforcing indoor mask wearing in stores and such pretty well. That’s one good thing.

Elective surgeries at many if not most if not all Hawaiian hospitals are being postponed again due mainly to a shortage of medical-grade oxygen. Hotel cancellations are starting to mount now, about a week after the governor urged tourists to stay away, so a lot of the hotel workers who have been rehired are starting to be laid off again.

Oh, almost forgot. They popped another tourist with a fake vaccination card. A young lady from Illinois. She misspelled “Moderna” on the card, which was the tip-off.

Here’s a link.

Good point, but that doesn’t explain the fact that there should have been cases reported before the storm hit. You can see that they receive data daily (it’s graphed in a shadowy range behind the weekly average).

Florida’s data has been coming in on a weekly basis. But then, they do things like this:

For a snapshot of current UK cases and trends, see the Three Months Trends given here. We are distinctly not out of the woods.


Well, we already did oleander extract, about a year ago. Oleandrin is a deadly plant poison, not a COVID-19 cure

To be fair, it does successfully stop a covid case from progressing if you die of poisoning.

Florida has changed the way it reports covid deaths to the CDC, so that it looks like there are fewer deaths due to covid than there really are. They are now reporting deaths on the day of, instead of once the cause has been determined, so that means that the state is only reporting deaths by covid if the cause is known at the time of death instead of once it’s been determined after the fact.

Joe Rogan has reported that he has covid and is taking horse dewormer.

But is it organic? That’s the real question.

I basically like Rogan but can’t stand some of his conspiracy theory dabblings. I hope he gets sick enough to have some respect for science but hope it doesn’t get worse than that. He did to his credit bring on Michael Osterholm as one of his guests, even if that doesn’t outweigh some of the other dumbass shit he’s hosted.

What type of podcast does this Rogan guy usually do? I’ve been told he’s really popular but I never heard of him until he told young guys they didn’t need to be vaccinated.

Is he a political sort? If so, he better hope God’s bored of smiting political talk show hosts before he’s the 5th in as many weeks to get in the forever box instead of getting vaccinated.

He’s an actor and comedian; he played the maintenance guy on NewsRadio back in the '90s. It sounds like his podcast started out as just general “guys talking crap about various topics,” and became more political over time.

219,265,651 total cases
4,545,159 dead
196,041,211 recovered

In the US:

40,330,712 total cases
659,927 dead
31,137,936 recovered

Yesterday’s numbers for comparison:

More than 184,000 new cases in the US yesterday; we’re at about the same place as last October/November.

ETA: A tad early tonight; tired and gonna try and get an early bedtime.

Only one governor I hate more than Abbott.

Thank you for doing this for all of us. I hope the smoke clears soon.

I believe @kenobi_65 when he says he didn’t start out political, but, in rationalist circles, the show is mostly known these days for bringing on hucksters who promote pseudoscicence and conspiracy theories, often ones associated with the alt right. He also likes to bring on members of the “intellectual dark web,” a group of mostly alt-right people who claim that political correctness, idenity politics, and now cancel culture are silencing them because they tell the truth. These are people like Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, and such.

That might be fine if he actually debated them, but he mostly just lets them spew their misinformation.

Better still, it also stops the spread of covid.

It also occurs to me: Maybe internal parasites are covid vectors. Then it would make perfect sense that ivermectin stops it. :roll_eyes:

Time has resumed its shape. It’s as if McCoy had never entered the Guardian of Forever.

Louisiana’s plot on the Johns Hopkins site now no longer has an entry of zero on its seven-day average of daily reported COVID cases. Now it registers 3095. The lowest recent showing was 2476. I have no idea how they’re calculating these numbers, but there’s no way a seven day average could have been zero, as it was the other day. Florida, for what it’s worth, is still reporting an average of zero, but we already know their reporting is messed up, and apparently updated once a week.

New record daily highs are reported in

Tennessee (9912)

South Carolina (6592)

Kentucky (4840)

Georgia (10840)

Washington (2049)

Oregon (2672)

I emphasize that these aren’t merely local highs, but the highest levels reported since reporting on this began back at the beginning of 2020.

Alaska and DC aren’t yet at record highs, but are close to the previous records and shooting rapidly upwards. Many other states are on an upward trend, if not near previous record highs.

It seems likely that was just an artifact of delayed reporting due to the storm. These things happen, and almost all the really weird numbers that are posted turn out to be reporting artifacts. It’s good to notice them, but reporting artifacts are a fact of life in any large data set, and it doesn’t make sense to get too excited about them.

(There was probably some reduction in testing due to the storm, too. I’d get out of the path of a hurricane before getting tested for minor symptoms. I bet a lot of people made that choice.)

Good news on the booster front?