Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) Thread - 2021 Breaking News

Sorry if this has been shared, I did look for it but may well have missed it. He’s been doing a bang-up job in my opinion.

221,137,173 total cases
4,575,690 dead
197,629,442 recovered

In the US:

40,765,356 total cases
665,858 dead
31,299,924 recovered

Yesterday’s numbers for comparison:

I worked hard to get Tom Wolf elected Governor of Pennsylvania because he promised us a medical marijuana program.

He was elected and implemented the program, which is great, but man what an awesome job he’s done keeping us safe during the pandemic.

I think it’s partly because he’s already got money and can live well w/o being gov so he’s free to do what’s right instead of making money or owing favors.

never mind, too off topic

I saw a little of it before you deleted it. You can send it to me if you want. But I’d agree that it’s probably not the money causing it.

I don’t know, considering that "We cannot reject that [cloth masks] have zero or only a small impact on symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections,” and that plenty of people wear paper masks, which must work even worse, isn’t it overselling it to say “masks work, period”? Shouldn’t it be “surgical masks work, period”? It could lead to a false sense of security to be so flat and without qualifiers. Heck, this data may make governments and businesses want to consider requiring surgical masks specifically to do business with them.

Ten Covid deaths recorded in Hawaii today, the highest single-day figure. Includes a man in his 20s with underlying conditions.

Sounds like they’re just going around slapping wrists, not fining or arresting anyone, much to the frustration of those of us who would like to see a serious crackdown on these morons. There was an anti-vaccine protest today. Here in Waikiki last night, there was a large anti-mask protest. Toss these people in jail, I say. The hospitals are filled to the brim now as it is.

221,556,009 total cases
4,581,930 dead
198,063,983 recovered

In the US:

40,805,259 total cases
666,219 dead
31,315,751 recovered

Yesterday’s numbers for comparison:

Other studies have suggested that cloth mask wearers get milder infections, leading to useful immunity (antibodies detected in blood) with lower risk of hospitalization and death. The suggested explanation is that lower exposure volume leads to lower sickness. The important point being made is that this study can’t be used as evidence for that theory.

Perhaps just the act of wearing a mask helps folks remember about all the other stuff? I’m 63 and old habits die hard. The act of masking up is a tactical reminder that things have changed, so I need to think about social distancing and where I put my hands.

I think that masking helps in many other ways, but that’s just me.

Wearing a mask also helps keep your nose and throat moist, which is helpful for fending off diseases.

Pre-covid I read some studies about low relative humidity and the propensity to catch the flu and other respiratory bugs. Two were controlled studies, with some rooms in a school or a hospital humidified. (No, I’m sure i can’t find them now. :slightly_frowning_face:)

A mask locally increases the humidity of the air you breath. And i find it reminds me not to touch my face, too.

That being said, i have a bunch of kn94 masks on order. Why not get some significant protection.

@Leaper, I responded to you in another thread. Just linking it here. Coronavirus general discussion and chit-chat - #671 by Tfletch1

Florida released its weekly data. It’s hit a new high in seven-day-averaged new COVID reported cases

Florida (32300)

West Virginia (1707)

Nobody else seems to have new highs, but several have just retreated from record highs, and others (including, surprisingly, Maine and Vermont) appear to be approaching new record highs.

It’s worth emphasizing that Florida’s 32300 is not the total number of cases in the state, but the averaged number of new cases reported in a single day. Since it’s averaged, there were days with a great many more reported case. In fact based on that chart, the daily reported cases has more than once exceeded 152,000

Maine and Vermont largely avoided the first pass of covid, and have fewer people with natural immunity. But I’m showing Maine still below where they were in January, and with a fairly low death rate, probably due to high rates of vaccination. (I’m using 91-divoc)

What is the difference between paper mask and surgical mask? How do I distinguish them from one another?

Yes, and in my case, I had the one on the left of the thumbnail in mind when talking about “paper” masks.

I have never seen masks like that available for sale, but perhaps that’s a locale issue. On Amazon, the cheapest masks of that nature (they’re not really paper) are around $5 for 50 and even they have 3 plys. Perhaps these masks exist somewhere, but I don’t know anyone wearing them.