Coronavirus general discussion and chit-chat

Well, it’s been seven days since my gf was exposed to COVID-19 at a nursing home. She remains symptom-free and will get tested today.

Vaccines and masks, they work!

Hey, Pfizer submitted its application to vaccinate kids 5-11 to the US FDA. It could be approved by Halloween!

I think you may have the answer. We saw our friends J and L last night, and L had just had a shot in each arm - COVID in the left, 'flu in the right. Thinking that COVID was likely to produce the worse reaction, I asked - so they checked that you were right handed first?

Well, no they didn’t - she was told that it had to be that way round. If that’s the case, then I can only think it must be the done as the best way to monitor injection site adverse reactions and correctly identify the vaccine that caused them.

(Aside: our neighbor got called in for her COVID booster, and they whacked a 'flu shot in her other arm while she was there. It’s policy.)

Me either - and not this time either, as it goes. But you never know and there’s always a first time. Why take a risk that you don’t have to?


Injection-site soreness to the point of not being able to use an arm … doesn’t that, statistically, not happen? Maybe 1 in a few hundred thousand at very most?

Never for a flu shot for me (I just had this year’s shot yesterday), but both Moderna vaccinations, and the shingles vaccination I had early in the year, were very painful. With one of the Moderna shots, the pain would wake me up every time I rolled onto that side.

Her RapidTest today was negative. What would everyone here do at this point? She says she will continue to quarantine at home, leaving me to go out in public. It has become a bit tedious living in the same home, but avoiding each other. I barely remember what she looks like without a mask. Do we keep it up for another week? (I’ve had 3 Pfizers, she’s had two)

I got my flu and shingles last week. I asked for and got them both in my left arm with no arguments. The closest I came to discord with my shot giver was that she also wanted to give me my booster and Moderna boosters aren’t approved yet.

I think you might be slightly overreacting @kayaker . I slept with hubs during incubation and for the three weeks he was actively sick. I might have over trusted my two shots of Moderna, so perhaps you should be looking at the middle ground.

My arm was sore enough that it hurt to raise it, and I didn’t sleep on it after my second Pfizer. I’ve never had anything close to that bad after a flu shot, nor has anyone ever complained to me about that reaction to a flu shot. (Lots of people complained to me about arm pain after covid vaccination, including my daughter, who whined for days about it, although I think it was only painful for a day.)

If she has no symptoms and has tested negative on a rapid test, and it’s a week from her exposure, I would stop worrying about it, personally.

I’m following her lead, but I’ll offer some thoughts tonight. She was shocked by the news she’d been exposed. She has mentioned that she is really worried about being the reason for me getting it, since I have stated from the start that any serious intervention (intubation) is off the table as far as I’m concerned.

Thanks guys. It would be nice to go back to the way things were, abnormal though it was. :crazy_face:

Me? I would start living together as you were before, being observant about subtle signs of incipient infection (which seems unlikely). Get that confirmed by a second negative test if her work situation requires it. You keep masking as usual outside your home whenever you are indoors or crowded together even outside.

Her finishing out the X days of home quarantine would be a responsible citizen kindness on both your parts. I applaud you.

Hmmm. I’m supposed to get my second Shingrex vaccination in November, which is also about when I’ll be able to get the Covid booster. I figured I’d go for a trifecta and get the flu shot, too, but now I wonder if they’ll let me do that.

It’s gonna hurt.

I’m REALLY not looking forward to Shingrex. I may put that off another couple of years.

My first one wasn’t that bad. It hurt for a couple of days and was really weird looking, but I have no regrets. I kinda wish I could have gotten my booster with it because I’m going to a convention in Vegas at the end of the month and it would have been good to have all the jabs over first.

Worse than the first one? Not that the first one bothered me much. My arm was a bit sore the next day and I didn’t want to lift it over my head, but other than that I was fine.

^^ This was my experience as well. Both Shingrex shots hurt about the same as the first COVID vaccination.

Shingles, on the other hand, is hellish, or so I hear from those who have had it.

My Shingrex shots were essentially non-events. No worse than any other vax.

I had an antibiotic injection about 10 years ago that nearly had me in tears; it felt like a caustic solution was being injected into my leg. Anything since then has been a walk in the park.

My problem is I am almost certain I have never had chicken pox even though the claim is 99% of adults over 40 did get it at some point. I keep meaning to get a blood test to find out for sure, but the pandemic put everything on the back burner.

My mother had me play with every neighborhood kid who had chicken pox. When I didn’t get it, she decided I was immune. Nope. I got it when I was 27. It didn’t itch but was agonizingly painful. Docs aren’t sure why. If shingles is anything like that, no thanks.

I hope a blood test shows you had it and are immune. If not, can you get the varicella vaccine, or is that only for children?