Correct Grammer Question

Wooshed? <_< I was being silly.

Hi Missy2U. I feel it’s a borderline usage in semi-formal writing, but completely acceptable in signage. Ice water. Old time. It’s language in transition, and not so ungrammatical that it will hurt the business.

As for the sentence structure, I’ve no problems with that. Signage is a law unto itself, related to things like menus and playbills. Succinctness is paramount, and normal rules of punctuation are irrelevant. Adding five letters to a 40 word sign might cut down on readership.

Old Fashion
Vienna Beef Hot Dogs

I like it.

You forgot a silly mark.

This is a whooshed mark -> :smack:

You’re all wrong, its “olde-fashioned” :smiley:

Signs are really expensive. The indicated message conveys exactly what was understood, at the same time saving the cost of two extra letters.

Yep. I messed up the spelling of grammar. Now I totally feel like an idiot. Gaudere’s Law - it’s a real bitch sometimes.

Thanks for the responses guys - I appreciate it. I am thinking, after all this, that I should probably just go outside the BACK door of the bar to smoke and then I won’t have to see this sign that makes my head hurt. :smiley:

Let me guess - I spelled Gaudere’s Law wrong too. That’d be par for the freakin’ course.

Why are you pronouncing the “H” like that?

Like what?

Oh, I had a friend back in college who pronounced every “wh”. Drove me crazy.

I tried to translate whipped cream directly, word-for-word, into German:“gepeitschte Sahne”.
The Germans laughed and laughed at that one.
They were envisioning me with a good old buggy whip wailing away on some poor carton of cream.

The German phrase is “schlagsahne” (beaten cream)…which of course made me think of some thugs in an alley with brass knuckles pounding some defenseless carton of cream.

I had a teacher in high school who pronounced long A as a long E - “Beesically, it was the feet of the character to be heeted.”

Still wrong - it is “Ye olde-fashioned…”

I’m auld-fashioned.

I was watching an interview with Simon Cowell once (don’t ask me why) and he kept referring to rapper Ice T as “iced tea.” I don’t know why it cracked me so thoroughly up, but it did, and I’ve resolved to call him that since.

Ha, yeah, my first thought was to be annoyed by the dash.



To ye or not to ye. . . .

No, you got that right, and it’s an easy one to screw up, so congratulations! Who knows what gammatical solecisms lie in wait outside that back door? I think the best solution is to simply quit smoking entirely.

I think it’s actually impossible to spell that correctly. Even Gaudere couldn’t get it right, so no one knows how it’s actually spelled.

Better still…Quit smoking.
just sayin’

N.B. Message for OP in response to #26.