Cost of Living in England

Most English people earn a living by sweeping out chimmneys, the going rate for this is tuppence ha’penny a time (a good sweep could clean out as many as 15 chimneys a day).

All English people have a diet of either cod and chips or jellied eels, the cost of this varies from place to place but 2 bob is about average.

Housing cost roughly 2 guineas a week.

I think everyone has covered the costs of living/taxes/transport etc

I live in Berkshire and have a related interest in your subject…

If you can’t get into Compton, try Berkshire College of Agriculture, Burchetts Green, Maidenhead, Berkshire.

It’s a large “Statley Home” converted ito Agriculture College, they cover everything from Young Farmers, Tractor Maintenance, Crop Spraying, Kennel Maids and Equestrian.

They also have an Accomodation Block for Students.