Could empirical evidence change your position on gay marriage?

I see the marital contract as just that, a contract. To restrict who can sign any contract based strictly on sex violates the “equal protection” clause in the 14[sup]th[/sup] Amendment, with a few exceptions (like monitoring the high school’s girls’ shower room).

It’s none of the government’s business which sex the co-signers are. Thank you for pointing out my poorly stated position, my bad …

The response to the OP should be “Can empirical evidence change your position?”

Sure, but pro or con?

Ah! District of Columbia…I was a tad confused.

Infant Mortality, too! Go Mississippi!

I’m not sure this matters, even if it were true. Plenty of characteristics can have a correlation with worse life outcomes for children (history of alcoholism, criminal record, lack of education, poverty, being from Mississippi, having short or ugly parents, etc). We don’t prevent those people from getting married.

Dead people do typically make bad parents.

I’m late to the party. Since A and B really don’t have anything to do with marriage (gay or otherwise), no, it would not change my position. That was easy! Next question!

I’ll fight the hypothetical - as I don’t believe you could have or find sufficient evidence on either side of the coin that wasn’t biased by what the researcher(s) intended to prove.

Beyond that, there are plenty of examples now in real life where heterosexual parents have had detrimental impacts on the lives of their children, yet we don’t question their rights at all.

And no - it would not change my opinion one bit .

It would prove that Hetero Sex is an Abomination unto THE LORD, just as God Himself told us at Genesis 19:8

Wherefore THE LORD sent Lot had his family forth from Sodom, and He did rain Hell Fire and Brimstone upon the city to destroy it, because Lot offered his virgin daughters to the rapacious masses of Sodom that they might do to them as was good in their eyes: Then did God destroy Sodom because of the Hetero Sex that Lot offered in his virgin daughters unto the rapacious masses, which is an Abomination.

And that’s why, to this very day, they don’t let children have Sex Education in school.