Are our servers potentially lethal? Inquiring minds want to know!
Yes. They are quite lethal.
One is likely to die of old age waiting for pages to open… :eek:
Thank you…I thought it was just me. Hey MSNBC? Is it really necessary to pound on my hard drive for five minutes before giving me the story?
Man, no shit! My rig here at work is an antique and our connection is “wireless DSL” that’s about 1/10th as fast as my DSL at home. I hit an MSNBC article the other day and sheesh! It just locked this POS down. I had to close the page thru the Task Manager, just lockdown.
As for SDMB, sometimes it fast, like now, sometimes it’s like the server is unplugged. I learned to always copy my reply to the clipboard before I hit submit, just in case it decides to wipe my post out…
Holy cow, I didn’t think MSNBC would be such a delicate topic. I guess I must have an exceptionally fast connection here at work. And here I thought I just found a funny news article! Sorry, guys.
I think that link contained virtual hamster poison.
I wasn’t raggin’ on your link (to be honest I didn’t, at that time, even click it due to my previous MSNBC web experience), I didn’t mean it to come across like that.
But since my day is winding down, I did click on it. And I have to wonder if the hamsters here have a dose.
FWIW, 94 seconds from click to load.
Yeah, when I watch you channel, Chris Jansing gives me the story without me pounding her for 5 minutes.
Much as I’d like to. <sigh>