Crap! My weight problem really is my own fault!

I just hate it when you guys go all reasonable on me.

Seriously though, I know exactly what you’re saying WhyNot I don’t eat junk food or fast food either and yet here I am 40 lbs overweight? How does that happen? Quantity. Calories is calories and if you eat more than you burn it gets stored. End of story. WW seems to give you an easy way to track that but if you’re not tracking it’s easy to let things get away from you.

Good luck Sunrazor and razorette as well.

but I still blame the government…and cheetos

Reading the article about how having fat friends makes you fat reminded me of an informercial on TV - I don’t remember which diet pills it’s for, but the commercial actually says at one point, “It’s not your fault - it’s your metabolism!” That may be true for some people, but for the vast majority, I just can’t buy that. Hearing that really ticked me off for some reason. It just seemed like such an easy out.

I’m somewhat overweight now and managing, kicking and screaming, to push off the excess. I’ve always eaten a lot more healthfully than most of my peers, but I eat too freaking much. I’ve already started consuming skim instead of 1% and fat-free stuff instead of full-fat. Since that’s done and is no longer working, I’ve started making myself leave at least three bites on my plate at the end of a meal. By the time I leave those bites, I’m no longer hungry anyway - I just used to finish it because it was there. So I’m trying not to do that. And that, combined with resuming running, is very slowly working.

I’m so impressed by those of you who’ve been so successful. It’s wonderful to hear that losing weight actually does work. But it’s certainly not easy.