Crazy idea/prediction: major American sports played overseas

I’m not at all convinced that there is a country that:
(a) has sufficient, high-quality sports fields to host 16 games a weekend
(b) has a strong medical system (not just in case of COVID-19, but also to deal with the serious, sometimes catastrophic injuries which do happen every NFL weekend)
(c) has enough high-quality lodging facilities to house 3000 or more people, close to the sports fields, for 5+ months
(d) will be willing to accept 3000 or so American guests (which, at this moment, as I understand it, rules out Canada, New Zealand, and the EU, and probably some other countries, too)

I’m not at all convinced that there is a country that:
— — What, nowhere else in the OECD or G20?
(a) has sufficient, high-quality sports fields to host 16 games a weekend
— — has as many as 8 sporting fields?
(b) has a strong medical system
— — (in the circumstances you really gotta admire the chutzpah)
© has enough high-quality lodging facilities
—— a couple of decent 4 star hotels?
(d) will be willing to accept 3000 or so American guests
——well that really would be a deal breaker.

Canada, obviously. And you have the plus that it’s the same time zones.

Travel is restricted right now but they’re still letting NHL teams and the Toronto Blue Jays and their opponents cross the border. A deal could be reached, and the virus is under control here.