Creepiest Commercials

I like Jack! Jack in the Box has one of the best advertising campaigns, in my opinion. They’ve got great writers, particularly for their radio commercials.

Jack might be a little creepier if he never actually spoke in the commercials, but he’s a pretty easygoing and friendly persona.

Some extra sensitive people think Jack is a touch homophobic

Ah…the Spongmonkeys!

I liked the Spongmonkeys. :slight_smile:

Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that. He’s almost as creepy as the King. I remember that first BK commercial. If I woke up with that dude in bed next to me, I think my first reaction would be to stab him in the mouth. :mad: The Six Flags guy is f-d up weird. For some reason, watching him “dance” with that annoying “music” just incites me to violent rage. In retrospect, next to these guys, Jack isn’t so bad. My little sister likes him.

Oy, the Spongemonkeys. The first couple times those adds were…well, they got my attention, but once the shock wore off, irritation set in mighty fast.

They got a pepper bar!

I would happily eat at Quizno’s again if they created a series of commercials depicting the Spongmonkeys attacking the talking baby (whose freakin’ jaw doesn’t move!!!).