Apology accepted.
Hell, I’M agreeing with Rand Rover. Jesus Juice Christ!!!
Cops are protected by the State. Using official channels will accomplish nothing because they’re specifically designed to protect the police. The only reason police feel free to do what they do is because they know the State has their backs.
So do what I did: organize a copwatch.
Here in Ottawa, I’m an organizer with the Panhandlers’ Union. Panhandling is a legal activity, but the capitalists hate it. They use the police as their own private security force to harass, ticket, imprison and occasionally beat panhandlers, street youth, and, indeed, anyone who looks poor. We fought in the courts, we fought in the media, and sometimes we just fought. None of it did any good, because the police will ALWAYS win in the end. So, I organized a copwatch. We patrol the streets with recorders, talk to people, follow cops around, and get between them and their victims. The police hate us, of course, because we force them to actually, you know, obey the law.
You want to stop Creepy Cop? Organize a copwatch and take back your streets.
What’s the name of your town?
Keep thinking like I do and one day you may be able to tie your shoes all by yourself.
Oh lord. Dude, you should have picked a username that would better disguise your one-trick pony status. Too late now. Oh well, have fun trolling us squares.
That’s because he didn’t finish the last part of his post - where he pointed out that cops are obviously mental deficients because they don’t make as much money as him.
It had to happen. So which of you two wears the sinister goatee?
Yes, arguing against something I never said is easier than dealing with my actual posts, so I can’t fault you for this.
A Randroid is accusing me of being a one-trick pony? It’s like being accused of racism by a Klansman.
Drop, I know (as we’ve discussed before) where (in general) you live - and I can totally understand where you’re coming from. My mom was friends with Diane Masters. So I get ya. I do. Having grown up in that general area, I know where you’re coming from. And you’re RIGHT, dude.
I’m no Randroid, pal. Shows you haven’t been around here very long (some people pillory me for liking Rand, some pillory me for not liking her enough).
Anyway, I’m sure you don’t know where your next meal is coming from, so I’ll let you get back to digging through trash cans.
Shows how much YOU know – I wear velcro.
That’s all fine but I do hope you’re not neglecting your homework. I’m sure your mom and dad have told you how important education is, especially if you still want to smash the state when you grow up.
Although only if your employer gives you permission to do so.
Ever the douche.
I’m 40 years old and I’ve been making authoritarians unhappy for more than two decades now. However, I am pleased to be associated with youth, since in my experience, the young are the ones who best understand our world, not yet having been completely conditioned into conformity. Once upon a time a society would produce elders, people who had lived through harrowing experiences and had spent enough time reading and learning through their long years to be of considerable value for their advice. Sadly, now people just get old.
You know you have a shitty philosophy when you think it’s best to get 'em when their young (see also: religion).
If you’re feeling a breeze about now it’s because you’ve been whooshed.
Why do I know we’re not going to get this?