
So. Mr. Coleman wishes me to argue both sides of this issue? Man, this is gonna be fun!

… and how often in life do you get a chance to do that, Uncle Beer? … Unless, of course, you’re a lawyer or a politician.

The people at FFI finally responded to my inquiry as to whether they emply cryptozoologists:

“Fauna & Flora International has employed a small team of conservation biologists in Sumatra’s Kerinci Seblat National Park for the past five years. These scientists’ role has been to conduct a biodiversity survey as well as to engage in large mammal (tiger, rhino, elephant) protection.”

Nothing about cryptozoologists. In other words, it appears that Mr. Coleman was, as suspected, calling other people “cryptozoologists” so as to lend his field a false air of legitimacy. If it’s a team of conservation biologists, then CALL it a team of conservation biologists.

Thanks, Doug. You’ve done a fantastic job with this topic. Good column and great posts. Cheers!

By the way, the link to your webpage in your profile needs to be updated.

[Edited by UncleBeer on 03-12-2001 at 04:35 PM]

UncleBeer said:

Well, besides the obvious one. :wink:

Loren Coleman responded:

Don’t know about “biological artifacts”, but I suspect the origin without independent evolution to be like how the other primate made it here - and I don’t mean Columbus.

An extremely minor point: one of the fascinating cyber-conversationalists above (yes, I’m too lazy to look up who it was) characterized the noble 'possum as being extremely shy and nocturnal. Noctural, I am willing to grant, but the 'possums on my dad’s place (out in the boonies here in Texas) regularly march up to his front porch at night to steal the cat food. If you turn on the porch light, they blink, but don’t budge, unless they are stuffed so full that their little sides are bulging. If you go stand on the porch, they will hiss at you, and still not budge. Not too shy, when there’s food involved.

As for the rest, I am extremely underqualified to comment, after all the heavyweights who have checked in - but my! I’m glad I opened up this thread! LOL!