Damn! I'm a 'Cultist' !

Whether or not she actually said this I don’t know, But I guess I’ll have to stand up and be counted as a cultist!
“A cultist is one who has a strong belief in the Bible and the Second Coming of Christ; who frequently attends Bible studies; who has a high level of financial giving to a Christian cause; who home schools for their children; who has accumulated survival foods and has strong belief in the Second Amendment; and who distrusts big government. Any of these may qualify a person as a cultist but certainly more than one of these would cause us to look at this person as a threat and his family as being in a risk situation that qualifies for government interference.”

Janet Reno, Attny. General of the United States during an Interview on CBS “60 Minutes” on June 26, 1999.

Um, maybe she should have tried to narrow it down by describing a person that isn’t a cultist.

Ahhh, so I see that Scientology is not a cult…


Hey I got two of them. Do I cout?



Damn redtail23 Just ruin our fun already :frowning:

I refer you to the OP:

"Whether or not she actually said this I don’t know"


Ya whipper snapper, I remember when I thought all ULs were just legend. Then I met this cute little red headed witch, she was friends with The Slayer.


“Tower, this is Lumber Jack - got a Blue Suit at 10 O’clock who seems to be smoking - over.”

Vestal Blue,

If she didn’t say (and it’s clear that she didn’t) what’s the point of even discussing it? It’s a sort of argument that I find myself going through a lot:

X: You know, I’ve always despised Y [some public figure], but now he/she has really gone too far. Look at what Y has said now!

Me: No, look at this snopes website. Y didn’t say that. Y doesn’t believe that either.

X: I don’t care. I hate Y and if he/she didn’t say that, he/she probably believes something just as bad!

At this point, X grabs me and beats me to a bleeding pulp and tells me that if I ever contradict them again, they’ll kill me on the spot.

Hey Wendell, we are in MPSIMS, if there was a point it shouldn’t be in here.

It can be fun to discuss, but it was fair to note that Janet Reno didn’t say any such thing. Around here we loathe imposter trolls for putting fake words to real identities. Same principle goes for Janet Reno, I’d think. Or anyone anywhere on the political spectrum, etc.

Returning control of of your set,

Just had a bad moment, trying to think who here is IRL Janet Reno.

:: runnin’, duckin’ & LMAO ::

Well, whoever came up with it just did a cut-and-paste job on some McCarthy-era anti-Communist propaganda, anyway. It’s been done before, don’t quit your day job…

Remember this year’s US presidential primaries? Bigot U
(Bob Jones) has the Catholics and Mormons classified as cultists, too. Yeah, we’re all real terrified by those clean cut shirt-and-tie Mormon monsters…


I get that one on e-mail round about twice a year. Good to see an easy on, every once and a while. Usually I’m checking dictionaries and encyclopedias just to keep up around here.

easy one

sometimes it hurts to be such a dumbass, it really does. :frowning:

Does having more than 3 cans of Spam in your pantry count as “accumulating survival foods”?

:::Frantically tearing down “US Out Of UN” sign in garage:::

I think that comes under the “hoarding weapons” the hoaxster wanted to imply with the “Second Amendment” line.
<frantically ducks the barrage of Spam canisters>

Lady: “Have you got anything without Spam?”

Waitress: “Well, there’s Spam, eggs, sausage, and Spam, that’s not much Spam in it.”

Sorry about the hijack there VB. Must…control…hand…of…hijacking…

I think it qualifies your pantry under Superfund as a “toxic waste dump”