Damn you, Esquire! 2 girls one cup

As soon as I heard 2G1C and Esquire interview, my first thought was A.J. Jacobs.

No gross out, but a little adult language.

My favorite reaction is by The Roots.

They look like they’re on a scary roller coaster ride.

That is seriously fucking funny stuff right there. The hysterical laughter in the background is what gets you.

That made getting out of bed worth it today.

You think that’s gross? I suggest you avoid watching the BME Pain Olympics at all costs. Fake or not (and God, I hope it is), it is easily the most disturbing thing I have ever had the misfortune to see.

What he said.


After a steady diet of shock docs, mondo movies and unrated horror imports (as well as a subscription to Bizarre Magazine back in the day, before they turned it into just another titty mag), there ain’t a lot that makes me cringe just watching it … this did. That 2Girls shit was just stupid and pointless and a little disgusting; the BME Pain Olympics video literally made me groan out loud while clutching myself (I do not mean in a good way, either). And I’m a freakin’ *ghoul *as far as my taste in videos is concerned.


I’d like to know why, of all the nasty ass scat porn out there, this is the one that became so infamous. It’s pretty tame, as far as that goes. I’ve seen far worse.

You’ve seen worse than men emasculating themselves with knives and hatchets? If so, please, keep it to yourself. I don’t want to know about it.

I am not watching that. I’ve never seen goatsee either.

D’oh, sorry, I meant that 2G1C itself was pretty weak as far as gross-out porn goes. I should have read more closely.
BTW, for those who haven’t seen the video…here you go.