Darth Vader, green beans, and e-mail

Welcome, Lorski! There’s a few other must-read posters as well. Master Wang-Ka comes to mind. Also look up the classic thread “The Horror of Blimps.”

Thanks, Scuba, will do! I’ve been an on and off lurker for a few years now.
The Horror of Blimps? Sounds scary… :slight_smile:

Thanks very much. I second **Scuba_Ben’s **suggestion – read some of the posts from Master Wang-Ka, Sampiro, and Scylla. They’re three of the best storytellers I’ve ever had the pleasure to read.

You know, now that you mention it, I do have a light saber. El Hubbo bought it for me for Christmas or some such. It’s one of the ones they used to have at Borders - polycarbonate tube that lights up and makes light saber noises when you bang it against something?

Clearly, I need to take it to work.

Can you tell me how to find someone just by their name? I know I can click on the user name in a thread, but how do I find the name if it is not in the thread? Please excuse the ignorance of a noob.

Lorski, you can use the board’s Search function to find posts by a user, or threads started by a user. Click the “Search” link at the top of this page, then choose the “Advanced Search” option. That screen will let you search for words, phrases, or users.

Enjoy yourself! There’s a metric buttload of fantastic writing on this board. Plus a few total dipsticks.

If Darth Sauron needs some minions, there’s probably still some Evil Nazi Groundhogs looking for work.

Thanks, Sauron – that’s the rest of the storytellers! (Ironically, storyteller isn’t among their number.)

A while back (years?) I had an idea for a Doper story telling fest, with two divisions: Invitational (Sauron, Wang-Ka, Sampiro, Scylla, and anybody else the community considers at their level) and Open (everybody else). If they’re all still active, maybe I’ll try this.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Somebody – I think ivylass – suggested something similar at one time, as well. I don’t believe **Master Wang-Ka **frequents this board any more, unfortunately.

But I’ll repeat what I said then: I’ll take fourth place in that contest and be happy.

Would ‘Force Vomit’ be a light or dark side power? I guess it depends on what the Jedi had for breakfast.