Dateline NBC Caught in Sting

That would be totally awesome, and one of the truly stellar examples of pwnage since the term was coined. But that would be so totally beyond Dateline’s capabilities. :stuck_out_tongue:

Frankly, it’s impossible to tell what is or is not true in terms of what is reported to have happened. The video is confusing and amounts to a nerd babbling and then more nerds following a blonde girl to her car. Most attractive blondes WILL flee when approached by nerds.

So, frankly, I’d take the details of the text report with a lot of salt.

At the beginning, still in the convention hall, was I the only one waiting for someone to yell out…
“Well, she turned me into a newt!”

“I got better.”

If a competitor doesn’t pick up on this, they oughta.

Truly what they deserved. Actually, too mild for these self-important assholes.

If there was any way she could have been arrested in the meeting, that would have been some justice. Of course, she would have had to do something illegal.

Her panicked call on her phone is priceless. Apparently there’s people after her. Go work in Vietnam, Guatemala, Iraq, then tell us about the life of a reporter.

“Why are you running? What aren’t you telling us?”

“Why are you running away if you’ve done nothing wrong?”

“Can you tell us how you feel?”

The linked article said that she was tracked from when she boarded the plane. Now I have no way of knowing for sure, but I would not be surprised to learn that the organizers ran a background check on all conference attendees and found that she was an NBC employee, after which they kept track of her.

I’m pretty sure I caught a “Are you carrying condoms?” in the barrage of remarks following her to the car.

Awkward and at least a little ironic, but funny.