davidm tries speed-dating...

My god, I have a twin. :smiley:

Been enjoying reading this thread for some reason.

I found this article that you might be interested in reading. The writer (a women) didn’t read the instructions properly and marked everyone she met as friend/business contact. :wally I hope “Joan” didn’t make the same mistake!

ahem, a womAn

Actually you and twickster are triplets with me. I used to be able to write quite a scintillating e-mail.

Hey – we’re Dopers. Of course we write kick-ass emails.

Geeze, I hope not. The coordinator spoke about the forms and pretty explicitly explained how they work, and he was speaking to a small group in a relatively small room so I’m sure everyone heard him even if they didn’t bother to read the instructions. He even mentioned that if you really liked someone you should be sure to circle both choices in case the other person only chose “business/friends”. So I doubt that she would have made that mistake but thank you so much for adding to my anxiety. :slight_smile: (just kidding) :slight_smile:
I sent her a nice email explaining who I was and that we had chosen each other as friends and that I thought that we should get together. I’m now awaiting her response.

Update, please?

I got no reply to the email so I phoned her and left a message. She hasn’t called back. Maybe she’s shy, maybe she changed her mind, or maybe ataraxy22 is correct and she filled out the form incorrectly. I’m trying to decide whether or not I should try to contact her again. I’m thinking about maybe sending her a message asking her to please let me know what’s up one way or the other. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

Sorry, kiddo, sounds like she’s blowing you off – who knows why. If she’s out of town or something, you’ll hear from her eventually, since she’s got your email address and a phone number – otherwise, assume she’s not interested. Rude, too, but that’s a separate issue.

BTW – search this forum for “Moroccan” to find the thread for the next Philly Doper Dinner – the Moroccan place on Second Street. I’ll let you bump it this time.