Deadline for Real ID for air travel pushed back until May 3, 2023: upd to May 7, 2025

Well, not absolutely no one. I’m all in favor of scrapping it.

So am I but I’m basically a no one.


I’m annoyed because I renewed early to be sure I’d have it on time there was a several month wait at my local DMV). That’s a handful of money I needn’t have spent.

From the article:

Sounds like they really mean it this time.

ETA: I don’t think “deadline” means what they think it means.

I think that similar, if not identical, language was used to describe what the situation would be under the previously-planned deadlines, as well.

I probably should have put a “/s” at the end.

Well, I got mine two (?) years ago. Other than the long wait in line, it was pretty straightforward. I feared much worse, given the way people were talking about it. The cost was no more than for a standard DL.

It’s one of those things that’s really easy for some people, not so much for others. All I had to do was bring a couple of documents to DMV in person - but I’ve never changed my name once, much less a couple of times, my name is on utility bills etc.

Maybe when RealID is finally implemented we can use nuclear fusion to offset the increased energy cost of keeping track of all of this info

I gave up, and got a non-real drivers license. I don’t have any document that prices my social security number. I guess i could go in person to the social security office and get a new card. I probably have some set of documents they would accept. But i needed to renew the driver’s license, and didn’t have time to also deal with that.

(I have a passport, and a global entry card. Either of those is going to keep working at airports.)

Some states require a document with your SSN on it, a pay stub or a tax return, etc. My state requires an original Social Security card. I know my SSN & took the card out of my wallet 20-30 years ago when the advice was not to carry it in case your wallet gets stolen / anti-identity theft measure. Anyone who’s had a name change is required to make an appointment for a trip to the local SS orifice…& then a number of weeks wait to get that piece of paper; close to two months before you can even begin to get a Real ID license; maybe even longer if one needs to track down marriage / divorce / name change paperwork from different jurisdictions.