"Dear Advice Columnist: I'm divorcing my porn-loving husband."

For a man so dedicated to his sausage creature that he named himself after it, you certainly are shockingly prudish.

Actually, my own wife doesn’t care much about that kind of thing, nor is she jealous or a control freak. It’s a great thing about our relationship.

I was stimulated to write this thread, in fact, by seeing just such a stupid column the other day. And I see other stupid advice columns all the time that assume that monogomy is a given and anyone who violates our society’s straight-laced, uptight, Judeo-Christian version of monogamy is bad, bad, bad.

And you sound like a sactimonious, annoying fuck, but I wouldn’t recommend counseling for you. Because counseling does dick.

How odd. Interesting sample you bring to the table.

Objectify. People use that word often, I’m not quite sure what it’s supposed to mean. What, exactly, does the objectification of someone entail, and how does that connect to porn as opposed to, say, athletics.

Just curious, but is that personal for you or how you view others as well? Is it, for instance, ‘sick’ for men (or women) to enjoy looking at sexual images of people who they don’t have an emotional attatchment to?

Are the two mutually exclusive? One of Finn’s Fundamental Findings is that some-but-not-all women, no matter how strong and capable and independant, would very much like to be thrown down on the floor, or a bed, or bent over the arm of a couch and just fucked silly. Sometimes it’s all about the sex and the heat, and to hell with anything and everything else.

But, of course, that’s not for all people. So I’m just sorta curious as to whether you’re couching your aesthetic tastes as personal only or how you believe others should act as well?

So women who choose to be involved in sexual exhibitionism are wrong to do so and are disgusting? Or just the people who enjoy seeing what they enjoy showing?

In conclusion, I will leave you with a link to a search.
The song is most likely not worksafe, but probably wouldn’t get anybody in trouble… still, I’m linking to a yahoo-video search for it, Just click the first link if you think you’d be fine watching the video where you are. Yeep.

I’m a woman.

If that’s the case, then great for you. But I wonder why this “column” touched such a nerve with you.

So I was right about that Hawt thing, right?

Also, I’m not prudish. I just wonder what crawled up your ass and died.

Even Dr. Laura said it was ok for a man to have a few nudie magazines. I think there’s a big difference between a few porno movies and some magazines and full blown obsession.


Oh, haw haw haw haw! That explains everything. You could have saved us both a bunch of time by simply stating that in your first post!

Didn’t, really, just saw it, marvelled at the stupidity of it, and thought it would make a good Pit thread.

I don’t know what that is.

So grab your dick and double-click for porn, porn, porn. The Internet is for Porn.

Oh I see, Sausage, you were asking whether I’m hot or not, right?

I don’t see the relevance, but yes, I am.

“Objectifaction” of a woman means that a man has aching balls and his tongue is hanging out and he wants to bang a broad instead of “supporting” and/or “respecting” her.

It’s a horrible thing!

I win the Internet! Fear me.

'Cause then you’d know right away that my opinion is invalid and to skip my post, right?

I’ll take your word for that. I asked because, IME, the men that yell the loudest about his wife being a fat cow etc. are usually tubbos, themselves.

No, you’re missing the point: A lot more guys are into porn than women. Contrariwise, very few men think porn is “bad.” Quite a few women think porn is bad.

FWIW, I’m not myself really into porn. But the key fact that the advice columns are missing is that most men (including myself) don’t find the whole porn category to be bad, and most men, at least now and then, jack off to porn of some type. That’s true now, it will be true 250 years from now.

That may well be the case. But the hypocrisy of it doesn’t in any way aleviate their pain at having no access to a sexually attractive partner.

I don’t.


So, the women involved here aren’t suffering?

There’s nothing wrong with porn, as long as it doesn’t become some kind of obsession.

I sure hope the 100 gigs of it on my computer doesn’t count as an obsession. :wink:

Not even close.

So, they prefer porn to real, breathing ladies?


Women suffer horribly from what men do. Men in general are godawful swine.

But the willful naivete of women in our society regarding the nature of male sexuality hurts men and themselves at the same time.

Put simply, here’s our problem: Men are pigs, and women pretend that they aren’t until they can pretend no longer.

Oh yeah, preach it sister!!

Come the revolution, all men will be castratos. YEAH!!

Oh, what?

Oh, fuck… :frowning:

Awww…somebody’s got a case of the Mondays!

The same could be said for the naivete of many men towards female sexuality.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go slip into my starched nightgown and go through the Nightly Scouring of my House for my Husband’s Porn, The Joint Recital of the Monogamy Doctrine and the Nightly Scrotal Rubber Band Check.