Dear Ben Stiller: Why Use Title/Character "Walter Mitty" At All?

No, it’s actually a sweet, enjoyable movie.

My knowledge of the Walter Mitty character was limited to “Average/Boring Guy who daydreams about doing awesome and improbable things a lot” so I was surprised when the daydreams stopped so early in the film.

I get the impression there’s a Director’s Cut coming to Blu-Ray which has a lot of “Deleted scenes”, ie more of his daydreams.

I loved the visuals, though - they were excellent.

Just watching reruns of *Boston Legal * 2nd series (2005?) in which a character talks of his fantasies of power through killing as him being like Walter Mitty .

The more I think about it, the more I like the lesser-of-two-evils answer: if he called it, I dunno, Dave Abromowitz, and pitched America the story of an ineffectual nobody who daydreams of being a fearless adventurer, people will maybe say Oh, like Walter Mitty? How unoriginal.

Heck, he could even hasten to add that the lifelong do-nothing eventually winds up living out the sort of scenario our meek protagonist has only ever idly imagined, and some folks would still break out the Oh-Just-Like-Walter-Mitty-How-Unoriginal jab.

But if Stiller leads off with that --man, the complaints go in a whole different direction: he went off in a whole different direction, they say . . . while emphasizing just how much adventure is in the movie. Beats the alternative, IMHO.

Trick question: Verhoeven isn’t smart enough to do parody; he just knows “big things go boom”. He’s the Dutch Michael Bay.

Does anything go “pocketa - pocketa - pocketa”?

Given that he directed RoboCop, your assertion is pure nonsense.

Purchased which name? Blade Runner is a movie loosely based on “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” by Philip K Dick.

Not any more.