Dear Congress: stop holding my patients hostage to you stupid pissing contests

OK, enlighten us.

As Grassley put it

and further

This doc is dated 6/21 of this year so I assume it’s what was in the bill.

So basically, we have a problem that Republicans and conservative Dems don’t want to pay to fix. So, we’ll just leave it alone and let it fester. I’m all for paying for the bill from other places, but not at the expense of losing doctors.

Here’s a summary of the fight:

Just to update; the House caved and passed the Senate extension 417-1 (not sure who the one is) and the Pres signed it. So we have 6 months before we start this crap all over again except that by that time it will be a 26% cut unless they fix the SGR. What is frustrating is that everybody knows that you can’t cut Medicare reimbursement that much but nobody actually wants to fix the problem.

The problem is the 41% of Congress whose agenda is deliberate sabotage: making Americans hate their government is their political “philosophy.”

Yes, it would be funny … if it weren’t so sad. When 49 Democrats try to prevent Republican perfidy, they’re defying the will of the prople. But 41 Republicans trying to stop progress are a tribute to our Founding Fathers’ wisdom.

Beck and Limbaugh keep trying to outdo each others’ inanities for higher ratings; the rest of the media goes along for laughs; and America becomes a laughingstock. In the context of SDMB, what’s sad is that some Dopers pretend they don’t see this.

You heard it here folks: this is what the Lefties are reduced to. The best they can do is claim that Republicans are trying to deliberately destroy the country by trying our darndest to save it from complete fiscal collapse. Yep, you got us. IN order to win the election we’re compelktely dedicated to ruining the entire American economy. We’re also the cause of all the world’s wars, which we started to satiate our greed and scratch our long noses. And we drink the blood of Democrat babies.

I don’t think the Republicans are trying to destroy America. I think that Republican policies (which seem to be more about small-minded revenge for losing power than about responsibly governing the country) WILL destroy America. There’s a difference.

The only America we intend to “destroy” is the nightmare the Left intends to create. And in any case, I wasn’t talking to your comments.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to devour the sweet, tangy blood of poor orphan Democrat babies.

Make sure they aren’t darkie babies. “One drop” and all that.

I agree it is frightening and disgusting that the Republicans would do so. But many commentators much more competent that you, Mr. Bandit, suspect that is precisely what they do. As just one example:

I cannot wait to vote against Sen. Hair Helmet, I mean Nelson.

Yes, yes, that’s why some republican representatives when interviewed about the health care reform says it does a lot of good and necesary stuff but… not under Obama. Nope.

Or when the US lost the prestige of hosting the olympics and you saw the video of all the right wing pundits jumping around and fist pumping, right?

The current republican party would oppose a magical solution to all the world’s problems if it would make Obama look good in the process.

What would that be? The one where folks on the right mindlessly support some idiot’s lies or hallucinations about Iraq and wastes trillions while letting trillions more in economic damage fester that he knew full well about but was too stupid, and at any rate economic regulation is bad so what could he do? Nope that’s all the right, you traitorous piece of garbage.

Or do you mean the one where Americans have full healthcare coverage with costs much less draining on the economy? That would be the left, but people like yourselves who seem to want folks to die from treatable conditions or be needlessly crippled, and billions of dollars to be wasted, spew garbage like this.

But go right ahead, keep listening to Rush, you lunatic.

“Shows what you know! I don’t listen to Rush!” in 5…4…3…2…1…

Back on topic, as someone on the commercial side, you can pretty much guarantee that these cuts will never go through, at least at the proposed 21.3-26% cut. Doing so would be political suicide, but instead of actually fixing the problems congress just passes these DocFixes whenever the cuts are about to come up. It must be a pain in the ass to deal with being jerked around and I definitely sympathize, but I would never expect for these cuts to implement in the long term. Hell, in the health insurance industry, we always operate under the assumption that a form of DocFix will be passed when projecting Medicare rates into the future, even when not on the political horizon.