Dear Cynic a'la Diogenes [why one woman is voting for McCain]

I’d still like to know why you’re a Democrat. Could you name three Democratic party principles which are important to you?

right wing - not

conservative - on some issues yes

single issue - not

anti-choice - anti abortion yes - not anti choice

disenchanted Democrat - I am a Democrat - one who is not especially disenchanted - just not enchanted

and how are you today?

Pinky/Chicolini on this forum

Obama **suddenly stopped **having character? That’s news to me!


You said you switched from Obama to McCain. You cite character as the reason. What changed about either of their characters between the primaries and now?

Sounds like you are saying Dems will pick your pocket while Reps will let you keep all your money.

This is not true in the slightest looking at the history of Dem/Rep administrations. Historically if you are exceptionally wealthy (read top 1-2%) Reps are better for you. For everyone else Dems are actually better.

Unless you earn in the high 6 figures, this is a good reason to vote Obama.

[quote=“pinkyvee, post:42, topic:463845”]

right wing - not

conservative - on some issues yes[/quote]

Could you give a couple of examples of Democratic party principles you support?

So you think believe it should remain legal?

[quote=“Diogenes_the_Cynic, post:44, topic:463845”]

You cite character as the reason.


I did not.
I said character and strength are important characteristics


pinkyvee, are you even familiar with Senator Obama’s feelings and stand on abortion, or do you just think Demcrat=Baby Killers?

I highly recommend that you read his entire Call to Renewal Keynote Address, you might find it enlightening.


And what changed about Obama’s “strength” between the Primaries and now?


Another one:

Something to do with the ham-fisted way he responded to the Republican resurgence after the primary perhaps? Like a moose caught in the headlights.

What was “ham-fisted” about it?

Who on this forum - or anywhere - is pro-abortion? We want women to have the option - the choice. Do you? If not, how can you say you are not anti-choice?

Are you aware that you will get a bigger tax cut under Obama than under McCain?

You’ve seen that people are losing their homes and getting laid off thanks to the Republican economic policies of the last 8 years. How is McCain going to change them? Perhaps your job is at risk also (just about all ours are.) Are you okay with losing your job so long as women don’t have the option of an abortion? That’s what it boils down to, really.

pinkyvee lays out her reasons for voting Republican in the other thread. (I’ll add a link to make it clearer.) She says she started thinking about it because Obama lately appeared to be prepackaged and not his own man, and that her decision was cemented by a Gloria Steinem editorial that criticized Palin for being antifeminist.

Clearly Dio has met his Moriarty.

Signorina pinkyvee:

If you will glance at your keyboard, you may notice two keyes–one immediately left of the “Z,” the other immediately right of the question mark. These are the shift keys. They allow you to capitalize.

Above the right shift key you will see the “enter” key. You’ll note that I did not write “return” key. This is because, unlike a typewriter, your computer will automatically move to the next line when the length of your text makes it necessary; thus it is only necessary to strike the enter key to end entire paragraphs and to space between them.

The enter and shift keys are your friends. The right shift key, in particular, has fought many perilous and glorious battles in defense of all that is right and good. If you would be so kind as to use those keys on a regular basis, other posters may be more inclined to read your posts.

Thank you.

I have no idea what you’re referring to or what it has to do with “strength.”