Debaser pits the flood

I don’t know why I’m bothering to respond to you, since it’s clear you aren’t reading my posts. Somebody should be embarassed here for making a mistake here, but it’s not me.


Hey, I’m from the North Shore of Massachusetts. We definitely are a bit more rough around the edges than you nice folks from the south. :wink:

As for Pat Buchanon (not Robertson, for the reading comprehension challenged). Sure he’s an ultra conservative. He’s not really politically biased towards a party, though. He bashes Bush and other republicans regularly. I like that he’s out there putting forth that viewpoint because it is fairly unique this day and age. I think he was spot on with his article about New Orleans for the most part. On that I guess we just have to agree to disagree.

Also, it seems to me that Buchanon was blaming the government and it’s response even more than the NOLA people in his column. His comparison to Dunkirk I read to be a indictment of the government, not of the people. Even when his wrath is focused on the people it’s usually anger more at the government for creating this helpless underclass than at them for accepting the endless welfare checks.

I will clarify again, that of course I do think that the government should have a role in helping people during a natural disaster. Yes, people have a right to expect some kind of assistance, financial and otherwise. ALL people in New Orleans are not who I was calling helpless buffoons. I was specifically referring to what Buchanon touched on regarding those who seemed so completely unable to help themselves at all. Plenty of people did leave the city. Plenty of people did help eachother out in the city. I’m talking about those people that sat around and did nothing but complain about the lack of help while they waited for the government to come and save them. Plenty of the poor people waiting around at the superdome complaining to the TV cameras seemed like able bodied men to me.

I’ll also note that the sentiments I express are not uncommon up here. A few people in the flooded areas here have mentioned comments to me about how “at least we aren’t just standing around whining like the welfare crowd in New Orleans”.

Agreed, and thanks.

I did read your bullshit. I just wanted to leave a few tidbits to illustrate why I think you are a self righteous asshole who can’t see past his own nose, and even when confronted with your own flood, still take swipes at others who were hit a lot harder. Fuck yourself. :wally