Defamation etc.

So then what “she” did is allowed within the rules?

Try looking at it from the other direction: someone, perhaps a fan or competitor, sees the pic on the bodybuilder’s website, and then comes across the prostitute posts, either accidentally by directly reading the SDMB or by googling the image. Shazam – defamation etc. made possible through the SDMB. The question now is whether or not such defamation should be prohibited, supported, or ignored.

Whether or not it is defamation, I am curious if the behavior is allowed.

And you think that person is going to assume, “Hey, turns out she’s a prostitute!” and not, “Looks like someone grabbed one of her public photos off of Google”?

Some will, and some will not. Do I really need to point out examples to you of people jumping to the wrong conclusion, finding scandals where none exist?

Dammit. I always miss the good threads, insomuch as the pics are already removed or the links were broken.

I really would like an answer to my question about the rules here in the forum for asking questions about the rules.

Was kinkyescort in violation of any SDMB rules in that thread? Can anyone else do what she did with regards to someone else’s picture?


To what extent should the moderation of this board cater to the misapprehensions of imbeciles?

To the extent of protecting innocents by prohibiting the fraudulent and defamatory impersonation of an innocent outside of parody or satire.

Now how about a straight answer to Haj’s very clear question:

Thanks. I just hadn’t read far enough.

Not at all in my opinion. But we do have a couple of other rules that catered to such when they were created. So it’s a reasonable question to wonder what is the rule in this case. Why is my question being ignored?

I’d really like a BLT where the bacon is really crunchy, and the lettuce nice and crisp. Unfortunately, like your answer, one isn’t available right now. We’re discussing it in the mod loop. When we reach a consensus, we’ll let you know.

Because you have not produced photo ID.

Fair enough. Thanks.

If you’re ever in Santa Barbara, the BLT is on me.

I would appreciate a ruling as to whether it is better to call [name removed] a prostitute than it is to call [name removed] an asshole and a hack.

Well, then I guess we’re good here, because there’s zero chance of any sort of harm befalling whatsherface because someone on the internet stole a picture of her torso.

I wonder how the rules would be applied if one were to insist that one’s self was a male prostitute, go into the Santorish details, and then link to a pic of Ed with his eyes and forehead covered while asserting that the pic is of oneself?

Methinks that the reluctance to declare that kinkyescort’s behaviour is not acceptable is based on the probability of real world consequences being de minimus, and that such reluctance would change if the defamed person was closer to home. I do not think that is a sound basis for a decision on this issue.

Quite the contrary. You appear to be far too invested in persuading the mods to accept your rational and logic.

A PM arrived just now following the thread closure:

Mods, are there any rules about threatening litigation?