Definitely NOT Mundane or Pointless, But Well Worth Sharing - Bricker Jr. is coming!

That’s great news, Bricker. Congratulations.

Congratulations, Bricker!

What a wonderful gift you are giving each other, and may you always appreciate it. Through the diapers, and then the toilet training, and so forth and so on. The joining of yourselves to make a beautiful little one…what a GIFT!


Great news, Rick! My best to you and Mrs. Bricker!!!

Thanks for al the good wishes – it really was amazing to see that second line in the test stick that meant ‘pregnant’ – right where it was supposed to be!!

  • Rick

An update: we’ve now told the in-laws/parents, the brothers and sisters, and assorted friends. Amazingly, everyone is full of advice about what to eat, how to act, and what to buy.

Congrats, you two! That’s wonderful news!

Now, I’m going to tell you a few things that I like to tell all the men I know when they announce the news of such a blessed event.

Persephone’s Tips To Expectant Fathers

  1. Don’t listen to anyone but your wife and her doctor when it comes to what you can/can’t do during these next nine looooooong months, don’t listen to anyone but your wife and her doctor. You will get plenty of unsolicited advice. Just smile and nod, say “thanks, I appreciate it,” and let it go right out the other ear.

  2. If your wife wants a peanut-butter-pickle-and-onion sandwich on Indian Grain bread, make it for her. You don’t have to watch her eat it, but rest assured that it will most likely put her in a better mood than she was when she had your head in that vise, demanding that you make it.

  3. Your wife’s butt is not getting any bigger. Nope. Not one tiny millimeter.

  4. Don’t let her move the furniture. You do it when she asks. Don’t argue, just do it. And don’t worry–odds are she’ll want it moved back later. Then you move it again.

  5. When THE DAY comes, be sure that you know where everything is, like the hosptal, her bag, and your car keys. You cannot expect anything from her when she is laboring. If she is a normal human female, once that first real pain hits, all her energy will be focused on not killing you for getting her pregnant.

  6. Learn these key phrases: yes dear, yes dear, and yes dear. Oh, don’t forget yes dear.

  7. Her hormones are going to be seriously wacky for quite a while. It’s perfectly okay to defend yourself if she comes after you with a weed whacker, but otherwise, you just have to deal with it.

  8. Have fun! :smiley: