Demeaning post by IvoryTowerDenizen

Here is the thread in question.

The OP was ostensibly new to Twitter and was seeking input about who people follow, how folks use it, basic operation, etc. Your response was that you don’t utilize Twitter and not so subtlety implying that those that do were twits. So, threadshitting.

ITD identifying threadshitting and informing you to stop doing so is perfectly within the scope of moderator authority and not an abuse. If you wanted to share your opinion about the pitfalls or lack of value of Twitter, I’m positive that would be welcome in the forum, just not in that thread that had an opposite purpose. The “I dealt with” comment was meant to stave off hijacks and again, perfectly with the scope of moderator authority. Is your objection to the word “guy” rather than “issue” or “matter”? The value judgment you are engaging in is entirely your own. There is no indication of crushing or worthiness.