Democrats use of the Atlanta shooting to highlight increased violence to asians

When Dylann Roof went on his rampage at a black church my first thought was that was deliberately targeting black people. In this particular case, my first thought is that this dude has a beef with Asians. Maybe there’s a bit more nuance behind his motivations but he deliberately targeted an Asian business. For me to believe it wasn’t racially motivated I’m going to have to see some pretty good evidence to the contrary.

It looks like it may, indeed, be the case that he had been a customer at those specific spas. As per this WaPo article:

This is a truly loathsome post. Definitely banworthy.

I don’t agree with everything in this Op-Ed, but he raises a salient point: To some liberals, Asians are minorities only when it suits them. Other times, they are lumped in with white people (such as affirmative action.)

Maybe the problem is that liberals don’t simply categorize people, put them into a pigeon hole, and then use them for points.

If nothing else, this op-ed is extremely poor as far as facts go. Anti-asian violence was a thing that was on the rise, and something that was being talked about in the media quite a bit. Why do you think that there was as much pushback about the ex-president’s racial language about COVID?

It sounds like this op-ed was written by someone who only recently found out about what has been happening for quite some time now, and in a fairly common fashion, assumed that when they learned about it was when it began.

Either that, or it was written in some pretty bad faith, of course. An anecdote about his “brother” and his friend’s conversation, relayed third hand, as proof of liberal hypocrisy? Actually just sounds like dude’s brother is a pretty hateful piece of shit, in all honesty, going off on his friend for daring to reach out and express concern.

I really don’t think that the op-ed raised any points at all, I would say that the entire point of the op-ed is simply to misrepresent facts in order to get a rise out of people, troll style.

In the case of affirmative action, the end goal is diversity and in some cases, there can be room for disagreement about how to achieve it. I don’t see how anyone’s being used as pawns.

It’s not the liberals who have been downplaying (while at the same time exacerbating) the dangerous effects of anti-Asian rhetoric described in your link:

It’s interesting to compare the current consensus against the race-baiting effect of regional/ethnic names like “China virus” with some remarks that were being made on such nomenclature around here just about a year ago:

Conservatives a year ago: “You liberals need to just shut up with your useful-idiot bullshit about it being racist and a problem to insist on linking the name of this deadly virus with the Chinese!”

Conservatives now: “Why are you liberals not caring more about the problem of racist insistence on associating this deadly virus with the Chinese?”

I’m all for anything that puts an end to anti-Asian violence; but I think this incident is a lot more nuanced than that.

As a thought experiment: let’s say the voices in your head tell you that painted fingernails are mark of the Beast, and it’s your duty to put a stop to the coming of the anti-christ. So you buy a gun (no waiting period) and go shoot up a nail salon.

Odds are your victims are 100% Vietnamese women.

But your motivation wasn’t misogyny, or anti-Asian bigotry – it was religious mania.

I think there are many sidebar issues about Atlanta: are massage parlors brothels in disguise? Are Asian women being forced into the sex trade? Can we stop loonies from buying guns? But we don’t seem to want to have those conversations, yet.