Dems - Defend your Senators holding the budget bill hostage

Let me shorten it for clarity: *The Republican “leadership” does not have 50 votes. *There is no way for that to be anybody else’s fault.

Interesting article. There are some problems with the ‘con’ argument, though. First, a CR actually has to get to the Oval Office for Trump to sign it. And he’s shown he’s not good at leading anyone, including Congressional Pubs. Also, there’s nothing short of this kind of tactic that is going to convince Pubs to give up their DACA bargaining chip. “Bill of love” my ass.


There’s a slight difference: The Republicans want to erase Obama’s name from it and replace it with Trump’s. That’s the only reason it’s even an issue.

What is the basis for this continual assertion that the Republicans are in favor of DACA?

I’m not specifically denying that this is the case (I don’t know, though I’m skeptical). But having seen this gambit in play before (e.g. the bogus claim that the ACA was essentially a Republican bill), I think this really needs a valid source.

Oh, polls, maybe.

Why do want to deny it?At this point, the GOP should want to take pride in the ownership they now have.

You’re apparently cherry-picking certain aspects of DACA, best as I can tell. That’s not the same as saying the Republicans back DACA as a whole, as currently constituted.

Here too, your cite contradicts you.

Nope. The name had very little to do with it. A lot of conservatives objected because they felt like it was an overreach of executive power. Congress (is supposed to) write the laws, not the president.

I disagree. If Schumer and the Dems, along with a handful of Republicans, filibuster the bill then it’s the fault of those people.

Lucky we don’t have Obama writing a lot of executive orders anymore. A Republican would never do that!

I’m specifically talking about Senate Republicans here, and I could easily be wrong: someone else said it, and I took it at face value. I’d appreciate a cite either way.

Dude. It can’t pass with or without the filibuster. Whose fault is that?

So whaddaya got?

Just curious, what is the Trump executive order that you think was the biggest overreach? The one that most clearly goes beyond powers granted to him into “tyrant” territory?

On what basis do *you *consider Obama’s DACA order, a policy with which your party actually agrees, to have been tyrannical overreach?

I’m not certain it won’t pass without the filibuster. There was a group of House Republicans who threatened to vote against it, but some accommodation was reached and they ended up voting for it, and it passed the House. I’m not convinced something like that is impossible in the Senate either. That’s why I’m reserving my blame mostly for whoever casts the vote that kills the process. If it’s the cloture vote, then those that voted against cloture get the blame. If Schumer and pals are confident it can’t pass anyways, why would they not vote to allow cloture and let it get onto the final vote? If it’s at the final vote, then I’ll blame those who vote against it on that vote. If it passes the Senate and goes to Trump’s desk and he vetoes it, then I’ll blame Trump.

Here, this article gives a more eloquent overview than I can.

Wow, it’s a good thing there has never been such a thing as an executive order before or since Obama, isn’t it? That’s what the partisan-hack outfit you’re citing is claiming.

How about telling us in your own words? Or just say why the Republicans refused to pass a thing they purportedly support; that’ll do instead.

When this hypothetical situation that you think will give you cover for blaming somebody other than your own party occurs, you can take advantage of it. Tragically, the rest of us are forced to deal with mere reality.

I already did that. See post #88.

Gotta go with the Muslim ban in all its various attempts.