Describe This Color In One Word


I’m a little biased; I’m not a fan of the yellow family for painting.




I thought, 'mustard. . . no, tumeric."

Seriously? I’m alone in saying ochre? Am I the only one who pays attention to the details on paint samples and fabric swatches? :wink:


I’m with you, I just used a different language. PY43 is the pigment code for yellow ochre.

You’re not the only one saying ochre. That’s what it looks like to me, too.

“babyshit” for me too, without peeking. A friend’s mother once described my house’s color (more yellow than brown, but in the ballpark) that way, and the imagery has always stuck with me.

7.5Y 6/6, if you’re looking for a Munsell classification.

My dad would tell you that that is the color of calf scours.

Sorry it’s not one word… maybe you could hyphenate it, does that count?

The phone number for my brother’s frat house spelled out “babydip.”

That door is the color of babydip.


It’s certainly an ugly color.

Brown with some yellow mixed in it.


Another vote for Baby-Shit Brown.

Let’s just go with “change-the-door-now!-Hal”.

You guys don’t actually see it as a shade of brown, do you? To me it’s a terrible terrible yellow. Not mustard, though that came to mind, but the color goldenrod gets as it dies.

Mustard was the first thing I could name. It does seem a bit darker than French’s, though.