Describe Your Million Dollar Invention

a car with larger rear wheels so that it would always be going down hill to save fuel.

My daughter is trying to invent an “air conditioned yard.”

A device, which you attach to your remote controls. You make a loud noise (clapper style) and it chirps, or makes a noise.

I hate trying to find the remote.

Already invented it - a training organization for new life insurance agents. You’d think something like that already existed, but so many agent recruiters keep their training so close to the vest that new agents can’t get any sort of help without signing a hundred contracts.

Google “Independent Life Insurance Agent Association” if you want to see it - I won’t link it here since it’s my personal, commercial site.

Hopefully, one day it’ll make me my million bucks…

An indicator light for cars that tells the drivers behind you when you’re going to make a U-turn.

A flash drive file transferrer. Basically a little plastic device with a screen and simplistic controls, and USB ports on opposite sides. A simple interface that allows you to navigate the folders and select files to be transferred to the other flash drive. Seems like overkill to require a PC if you ever need to get a file from one flash drive to another. Does something like this already exist?

I thought you were going to say that the person would have to key in a 12 digit code when they woke up to shut the damn thing off!

I may have something for you soon, I ve been working on something for awhile now but I don’t want to give it away yet.

I’ve always thought that an image driven search engine would be cool.

Ever seen I play with it at least once a day.

Purple orange juice!

A true boon to humankind!!

Well I always thought it would be cool…and it is, thanks for the link.

Back when all outboard motor steering controls were cables, I designed and documented a hydraulic steering system. I drew plans for the cylinders involved; I drew plans for the basic control unit and plans for the routing and installation of the hydraulic lines as well as plans for the attachment of the lines and actuall steering mechanisms; all drawn out and documented. I’m not a machinist and didn’t have access to a machine shop to build a prototype. Hell, I didn’t even have a boat to test it on. In short, I did nothing more than draw the plans and then shelve the idea. Hydraulic steering systems for boats are common place now; and the similarities to my drawings are such that some of my drawings could have been used to produce the parts. Oh, well, easy come, easy go.

Hmm but does it just transfer the entire contents over to the other? I don’t see a screen so it would appear selecting files isn’t there, which was my idea.

Minor continued hijack: if you haven’t already, check out their cool searches page.

It’s a bicycle designed so that horses can ride it, and humans can ride the horses or maybe a chariot like device.
Think about it. Bicycles - awesome efficiency. Horses = awesome power. Horse bicycle = Super awesome mode of transport that goes super fast and runs on hay at top efficiency. This thing could be flying down a highway at 80km/h with the horse barely breaking a sweat. All the gears, brakes and steering would be setup to give the driver total control in a way that would not allow the horse to injure itself.
The horses would probably have to be brought up to the device from birth, but I think they would really get to like it much like a hamster on his wheel, or a carnival bear on his tricycle.
Goggles would be mandatory for horse and driver.
You could also set up a dozen horses on rail bikes, pulling rail cars. Possibilities are endless.

This idea is yours for 10 million dollars. It’ll probably revolutionize the auto industry entirely, so I think its a fair price.

Just make sure you account for the horse shit. The general populace tends to be much more accommodating to pollution that they can’t actually see.

That’s what the muffler is for.

Um… unless you’re a pit viper, I’m not sure you can see warmth. And if you are, you won’t need a plastic window to see it.

I am currently WORKING on my million dollar idea, funny you should ask. A million dollars! I can hardly wait.

What I’m working on is a user-driven rating system for arguments for and against any number of topics. There is a FOR column and an AGAINST column, so regardless of the ratings, nobody can bury one side of the argument or the other; there has to be a top argument for and a top argument against. if anybody is interested in checking it out. I’d love to hear some feedback.

Make sure you let us know. It would free up 20-30 hours a year for me!

Here’s mine:

I hate when you don’t have a plug in the right place in a room.

Baseboard for a room that has the ability to allow you to plug in electric plugs anywhere along it. It would also allow catv/phone/network plug-ins, of course these may need a little adapter.

Issues with this are:
Man could you imagine getting this through licensing? I expect the shock hazard for kids would be tough to get by.

I am guessing it would cost a bit because of all the wire you would need.

Firecode require outlets to be at certain heights in the US.