Design flaw rant

My big design pet peeve concerns the actual components. Every device, it seems (Satellite, DVD, etc.) wants to be the top of the chain- they’ve only got OUTPUTS, with no INPUT. When I put my entertainment center together, I had to buy a switcher so I could watch DVDs or Satellite without having to rewire the damn thing. Why can’t they all function like a VCR, in that you can have any device output into the next AND receive input from the device above it, and so on down the chain?

For that matter, what’s with all the remote control codes? Can’t they agree on one format? That’d make universal remote controls SO much easier.


[slight hijack]
Not to mention that if your motherfrigging power button is broken beyond repair, you have to turn the TV on before you can use the codes. Sure doesn’t help when what you need the remote for is to turn the power on. Sheesh.

(Okay, so I spent a lengthy bit of time yesterday trying to figure out how to program the code without turning on the TV–Doesn’t seem like it can be done.)
[/slight highjack]

Hijack, because my “design flaw rant” doesn’t need a thread all it’s own.

But whoever designed the little tiny useless shelf-like thing that is in front of the check-out stand at the grocery.

There is no room for a purse, or anything. I’m thinking some ancient male, civil or design engineer had a hand in this. Since they obviously don’t carry anything more than a wallet or checkbook, it didn’t occur to them that we girls might need to set a purse up there!

It’s really a pain to try and juggle a purse, try and find room to get out and open your checkbook and try and fit it all on that tiny shelf.