Design the worst game level ever

I thought it was obvious that it is made for theAtari 5200 controller connected to a Lambda 8300 Keyboard. Everybody loves that old school feel.

The past is not anywhere near as painful as the future. And the future is voice-activated controls!

Good call!

It will be in full 3d, right? ETA: The game, that is, not the voice-activated controls.

… or perhaps we should combine them all:

DDR mat for basic movement
Atari 5200 controller for looking around
Lambda 8300 for accessing equipment, switching weapons, etc.
Voice control for firing weapons and
Power glove for opening doors

Somebody played the first God of War :D. Fuckin’ Hades, man.

All joking aside, you might be onto something there; how cool would an FPS deathmatch be with a DDR mat used to move around and a motion-senor gun used to aim/shoot?

Yeah, I’d totally play that game if you could use the power glove to do hth combat and not just open doors. Throw in some 3-d goggles and bam, you can see the power fist or power sword in your hand.

The Angry Nintendo Nerd on The Power Glove. Very Strong Language / Possibly NSFW.

Love the discourse at 8:30.

Also, in order to get standard items (i.e. ammo, health pickups) that are necessary for your survival, you have to open chests, which the game will essentially condition you to open religiously. However, to complete this level there are four chests throughout the game, several of them near plot important locations you’d have to be blind to miss, that you have to NOT open in order to get the item to finish the level. Of course, there will be absolutely no indication of which four chests these are, in fact, it may even be semi-random between a large pool of chests.

Square already used this one. :stuck_out_tongue:

Clippy! I thought you only did word processing!

It looks like your trying to murder your guardian fairy. Would you like some help? …And if you kill off that Map making elf, and that weird Midna thing, I’ll do the heavy lifting.

Don’t forget things on a random timer with audio clues when to go and completely pointless atmospheric sound effects of an exploding volcano on a supernova and only a single sound slider bar.

It also has the best music of the game… which is tied to said sound slider.

How about making sure there’s a river and, say, a washed out bridge. Your character can backhand a dragon hard enough to knock it out in one hit. Your character can cast spells that can vaporize a city. Your character can fly. Your character can probably even teleport short distances.
…but he can’t swim. Or make a raft. Or fix the bridge. No, he has to find the pink rabbit’s foot for JoJo The Idiot Circus Boy so that JoJo will show you the secret tunnel under the river.


In an FPS about, say, black operations in the 60s, have a Viet-Nam level* where the player is at the top of the hill as endless vietcongs keep creeping up the hill. Make sure the enemies are endless. The only way to pass this part of the level is to kick explosive barrels down at the enemy.

Now, here is the critical part: DO NOT MENTION THAT THE BARRELS MUST BE KICKED DOWN. The “kicking down barrels” mechanic must not have been used by the player or shown to him previously. In fact, make sure most barrels in that game are inert and can’t be used for anything.

Condition the player throughout the game series to win sequences by either clearing an area or holding on, then hit him with this mechanic. That way, he’ll try clearing the hill/holding on a dozen times before he eventually stumbles upon the barrel kicking mechanic.

It is your duty as a game designer to make that level. Will you answer the call?
*Make sure it’s a trench level where the player can’t get out of the trench for long periods; it works just like a sewer level but it has another name!

No matter how many quarters you pump into the game, there is no chieftain!

Now I’m on the level in Dead Space where you have to shoot a bunch of asteroids. This is not the game I signed up for! I hate levels that are an entirely different genre than the rest of the game, and that different genre is one that you don’t like and aren’t any good at, but you have to get through it in order to get back to the game you like.

See also: the shooting-down-spaceships bit in Knights of the Old Republic (which also comes immediately after an unskippable cut scene without the opportunity to save).

I think people have covered most of the high points, but here’s a few more:

  1. The NPC you’re escorting is not only suicidal and and so weak he dies from the first hit, he has such bad pathfinding AI he can jam himself in a corner and lose you the level without even trying.
  2. The 3x4 pixel camoflaged button opens a key concealed door in the sewer for a limited time only. So limited, in fact, the the only way to get through the level is to press the button and then immediately run to the hidden door you didn’t know was there.
  3. Scattered through the level are vast quantities of useless items, far more than you have inventory slots or time to examine. At the end of the level, if you don’t have one particular random useless item, you lose. (A.K.A. the “No admittance without a tie” rule).