Did anyone meet Wally IRL?

I haven’t come across anything in the other Wally threads about people who met Wally in real life. I have met a few people IRL who I first met online and some were just like online and others had facets to their personalities that didn’t come through their online persona. So what I am wondering is, did anybody actually met Wally? Were there sides of Wally that came through in person that we didn’t get to see online? Was he exaggerating the comedic sides of his personality in his online postings or were they obvious in real life as well?

Anyone have any experiences to share?

He was supposed to have had dinner with PUNdit and MajorMD this week and he was setting up for Vegas in September.

Aside from that, to my knowledge he hadn’t actually met any of us yet.

Didn’t anyone meet Wally? Wasn’t there ever a Toronto Dopers meeting?

There was talk of one, a while back. Sadly nothing ever came of it.

As Wally would have lamented:

“Nuthin’ ever happens in Toronto.”