Did college girls suffocate themselves baking cookies?

If I’d actually heard of a real-life case of some coeds dead in a dorm kitchen under the circumstances described, my first reaction would be something like JJM’s: I would speculate that they didn’t die of PAM inhalation, but that rather they died of letting the pilot on their gas stove blow out (or something similar).

Bolding mine.

While I agree with the rest of your post, I’d say the bolded part, if anything, is a contributing factor that increases the likelyhood of the incident.

[cat voice]

I can has “sloppy-Jo Lynn” covered co-eds?



Um, there isn’t anyone on this board named “Jo Lynn” is there?

If so, no offense intended.

ETA: and my post also ties in with # 12 from billfish678

I think I heard about this. They were Pie Phis, right?

I heard a similar story but much older - the women (“girls” in this version) were making fudge over the gas lamps, and had turned them all up to the highest level. This, combined with the closed windows and lack of ventilation (the heat was by radiator) had the effect of slowly using up all the oxygen in the room.

The women got more and more giggley (sp?) until they finally collapsed on the floor, realizing their jeopardy only after the first couple had expired. The headline supposedly said “Students Die Laughing.”

At least she didn’t slip your memory.

That’s not how I remember her.

Only slightly related anecdote: Actor James Woods once described refusing to work on a movie set that was using a fog machine. The gadget works by atomizing mineral oil. Woods once had ambitions to be a surgeon (he dropped that dream when he damaged tendons in his hands), so he read a lot of medical stuff. He told the production company that the fog was unhealthy and could cause lipoid pneumonia. He made them switch to old-fashioned dry-ice fogmaking.

All your coeds are belong to us!

Somebody set up us teh chzz brgr but I eated it.

That oil fog is pretty darn nasty I’'ll have to say, even IF it isnt a medical danger. Dry ice fog not nearly so much.

CFCs wouldn’t present any health risks for being inhaled - until recently, every asthma inhaler used CFCs as a propellant.

CFCs are non-toxic. That’s why they were such an industrial boon - very useful and very safe. It was only after discovering the effect on the ozone layer that they were banned. It wasn’t a direct health effect, but an environmental effect that was the issue.

Betty Co-ed has lips of red for Harvard
Betty Co-ed has eyes of Yale’s deep blue
Betty Co-ed’s a golden head for Amherst,
Her dress, I guess, is black for old Purdue . . .

Cookies are more like 10 minutes average cooking time., and about 4 sheets per batch.

Anyhow wouldn’t there have been an explosion if enough oil and flour is in the air to suffocate them.

Just don’t tell me their menstrual cycles were in synch…

I saw her in the pool, she’s attractive but has gained some weight.
Unfortunately, she couldn’t stick around.:smiley: