Did construction workers ever sit on metal beams to eat lunch? If so, why?

My cat wishes it to be known that the statue is not actually on Fulton St. If you look carefully at this picture, you’ll see that the statue is stationed on a truck outside 193 Broadway. This is indeed at the intersection with Fulton Street, but the statue is on Broadway.

The intersection of Broadway and Fulton is at the eastern edge of the Ground Zero Memorial. But, is the statue to be found on Fulton St? No, sir, it is not! It is with such details that challenges are won, and cats receive pet donkeys.

Gosh, there’s something to be said for being awake in the middle of the night.

I am feeling generous. Please send the donkey to Antonius Block and his cat. I don’t need it. Life is good. Why am I feeling so generous?

  1. I recognized the original photograph that was the basis for this statue, and
  2. I am the unofficial winner of the ‘Where is this statue’ contest.

Antonious Block - Please note that I had already declined receipt of my prize and asked Bienville to send it to you and your cat before I saw your cranky post above. I still wish Bienville to send the donkey to go to your cat. But not to you. :smiley:


The “Win a Donkey” giveaway has never seen such an upset, nor has it ever been so hard fought!

Congratulations, Antonius Block! Your dedication and attention to detail have paid off. When I visit the statue I will think of you.

Your donkey will be in the mail later this week. Ready the kitty.

CBCD, thank you for being so gracious. You are an inspiration to us all.

Sure, it’s easy to be gracious when you provide the wrong answer, and have it pointed out to you. :smiley:

bienville, my cat is not quite so sure that she even wants your donkey at this point unless everybody (especially me) apologizes to her.

Such is the way of cats.

[Of course, she’s not the one who has to pay for cat food].

:smiley: You out-of-towners can be so cute sometimes. :smiley:

There is no 193 Broadway.

There is a 195 Broadway, a landmark building - the original ATT building. Here is a picture of the front of 195 Broadway. Note the color of the round thingy on the wall. Note the shape of the windows. Compare them to the construction worker picture. They are not the same. Close, but not the same. The pictures of the construction workers was not taken on from the front of this building, which is on Broadway.

Now rest your gaze here. This is the north side of 195 Broadway. The round thingy is the same color as the one in the construction worker photograph, and the windows are the same shape. There are no traffic signs obscuring the round thingy on the wall. No one would ever be allowed to park a flatbed truck on Broadway.

So Antonius Block - I spent a long time finding just the right pictures. (Like, waaaay too long) I await your snappy comeback. You have a lot of explaining to do. Where that donkey goes, I don’t care. Whatever happens, though, let’s keep your cat out of it. :wink:

Antonius Block, in my untoward competitive frenzied state while stomping on your victory dance, I forgot to mention the name of that street that runs along the north side of 195 Broadway. It’s called Fulton Street :stuck_out_tongue:

All in fun, of course.

How’s the cat?


Antonius Block - I’m standing in the street outside your house. I’m waiting for you. Come outside so I can show you this special can of whup-ass * with your name on it.* Keep the cat out of it. Let’s just get it over with. You’ve earned it.

Everyone is waiting for you to show up. Don’t make me come in there to get you! :smiley:

I just checked with someone who works in 195 Broadway, and the statue is no longer there. Not on Fulton, and certainly not on Broadway. :smiley:

(All in fun. And what fun!)

Boy, talk about sequential threads.

Then no one has yet won the donkey, since the donkey prize question was

The question was not “Where was it at the time the photograph was taken?”

CBCD, Antonius Block, Antonius Block’s cat, No donkey for you!!!

Hi bienville, I’ve just got back in and read through the updates to this thread. I for one am very glad that you didn’t get around to shipping out that donkey, given that the statue’s current whereabouts is, unfortunately, still “unknown”.

I’m sorry to the extent that I may have misled you; I hope it was clear that I was going from online photographic evidence (hence the links), rather than claiming any specific recent local knowledge (in which case you would have undoubtedly held my claims to a higher standard). I can only imagine the disappointment if you had made it to Broadway & Fulton and found the statue to be missing.

I think that CBCD’s friend deserves some credit for providing us all with the information that the statue is no longer at that location. I wonder where it is now? As my location field shows, I’m about 3000 miles from Ground Zero, so I’m mainly dependent on online sources. [Upon further reflection, getting within a few feet of the absolute location from 3000 miles away would probably be considered a great success in such fields as, say, missile defense.]

One would imagine that the statue is still in Manhattan. I’m hoping that CBCD will be able to find the new location, given that he’s not one of those “out-of-towners” that he justifiably denigrates.

Good chap, that CBCD, although perhaps a little excitable. I can understand his frustration, however; after all, we have clear evidence that the statue was moved sometime between 3:19am EDT on May 11, 2005:

and 2:38pm:

That’s a period of less than 12 hours – having apparently been there since shortly after 9/11/2001. What are the chances? :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, bienville, I’ll pass the location request down to some NYC-based friends, and hopefully your statue will be located.

It’s probably just as well that my cat won’t be getting the donkey, since she’d probably play with it for a while, and then regret having taken it on as a pet. I think they call this brayer’s remorse. Plus, there are currently quite enough asses in this household as it is. :smiley:

[Sorry that I took so long replying. My neighbors tell me that there’s been some guy hanging around outside the front of my house all day muttering, while brandishing a canister of some bioweapon or other. Fortunately, I enter and leave my house via the side entrance, on the sidestreet round the corner. :cool: ]

Dear Antonius Block. I don’t know who that ‘guy’ was outside your house. I am that **crackpot married mother of three **who doing cartwheels in front of your house laughing over how much fun she was having tormenting you. Thanks for being a good sport.
That’s me in this picture between my husband, my daughter, and two of my dogs. I guess my post wasn’t as funny as I thought it was if you didn’t know that.

Yes, I was mistaken about where the statue is today. The statue used to be on Fulton Street, but it’s not there now. I have no idea where it is and will leave that to someone else to discover. I’m far too emotionally involved.

I spent over an hour last night gathering my rebuttal evidence about 195 vs. 193 Broadway, looking at maps, calling friends, and analyzing the color of commemorative medallions on walls. Someone, please pity me!! :slight_smile:

Well, I never claimed that my neighbors were reliable witnesses. :slight_smile: I erroneously jumped to the conclusion that you were male, given that in the past my female tormentors have pretty much been limited to (a)my sisters and (b)women with whom I was currently involved (for some reason, “exes” don’t feel the need to torment me so much). An easy mistake on my part, perhaps, but I apologize for the gender confusion.

I do think that our little back-and-forth was helpful in Fighting Ignorance, since you (as I will now admit for the first time) clearly nailed the former location, but if I had not been so ornery and snarky, we wouldn’t have found out that it’s no longer there! Out of such (good-natured) conflict comes the truth – or at least, the next level of questions. :slight_smile:

Of course, none of this is much use to bienville, except perhaps for raising his level of skepticism concerning simple answers. I wonder where the statue is now? It’s a fairly big and well-known piece. My impish side thinks that maybe it got stored in the same Government warehouse as the Ark of the Covenant.

[Looking at your photos: you know you’re a hottie, right? I’m glad that you didn’t play that card in our sparring! Your family, pets, and yard look wonderful. Are you in Monmouth County, by any chance? You’ll be glad – given our recent rivalry – to hear that one of my most embarassing days ever was when I gave an invited talk at a conference at Monmouth College (now Monmouth University), in the building that played Daddy Warbucks’ mansion in Annie (1982). I’d guess from your photos that you’re on one of the inlets a couple of miles north of there.]

Sorry, there’ll be no pity from this quarter. We’re all suffering from the same disease. The usual protocol is to stand up and say “Hi, I’m <name>, and I’m a Doper”. That pretty much covers the obsessiveness! :smiley:

*Of course * I know I’m a hottie, especially for an old broad. I chose not to play that card with you. I did, however, refer to it here, and modestly declined to post a picture. I live in Fair Haven, NJ, a great small town of 5000 people in Monmouth County. Here is the view of the Navesink River from my backyard. Worth looking at if you’d like to see how beautiful New Jersey is.

Hey everyone! Announcement! Bienville, CBCD, and CBCD’s new long distance imaginary Doper boyfriend **Antonius Block ** have pooled their resources and will pay a handsome prize to the first Doper to identify where that statue is **RIGHT NOW! **

Is this thread in danger of getting moved to MPSIMS? If not, pray tell, why not?

Whoah there! I offer only a donkey (plus S&H).

'Cause it has a factual answer, CBCD.
(Actually, I fear the more likely course of action would be a lockdown with instructions to open a new Thread. This may be the most god-awful hijack I’ve ever been part of- and I’m proud!)

CBCD, it’s surely impressive that bienville is still offering the donkey after all the ups and downs, but I’m not sure that I’m prepared to go in on this. After all, I’m not the one who stayed up until the wee hours calling friends at 3am to try to locate a statue… Sorry, my cat has found something of earth-shattering importance behind a piece of fluff under a chair, and no longer cares for donkeys or NYC skyscraper workers.

And, CBCD? I’m certainly flattered to be your new Doper boyfriend, but (actors’ names substituted for characters’):
[Fred Gwynne in My Cousin Vinny, when he finds out that Marisa Tomei is Joe Pesci’s fiancee]:
“Well, that would certainly explain the hostility.”

Yes, it’s still GQ. Where is the statue NOW?

This is the funniest thread I’ve read all week.
Sorry, I don’t actually have the answer, though.

Hey, no THROWING donkeys at me… geez, I’m goin’, I’m goin’…

Antonius Block - Sorry to put you under such stress. It’s probably better that I characterize you as one of my ‘imaginary Doper friends’. Is that better?

I’d also like to clear up a minor misunderstanding. Indeed I called friends who work downtown about the statue, but their answers were pretty fuzzy. Then in a moment of inspiration I called the general number of this establishment and several helpful baristas confirmed ‘It ain’t there no more.’ That was the authoritative ‘someone’ of my post.

I offer, as my portion of the prize, one of the big wads of fluffy hair I brush off my Border Collie morning, noon and night.

Where can I see these pics online? :smiley:

Actually, cancel that- I won’t do it. I don’t go to ogrish anymore, I don’t want to look at those, honestly.