Did Foley get played by the page he was IM'ing?

How diabolical those young scamps were!

Yeah, obviously even if it were a “prank” that wouldn’t make what Foley did okay. It just sounds to me like the young men are embarrassed about being outed and trying to convince the people around them that they’re not gay.

I wouldn’t normally link a Fark page,but the comments re this issue are just too delicious.

From what I’ve read, this is basically one of at least five pages (maybe six, I’m not sure if the cybersex guy is the same kid as the “Do I make you horny?” kid) so far made public. It sounds like this one guy’s name got made public (Drudge is linking to something saying this particular kid was 18 at the time), and since he’s now a conservative Republican with political ambitions, he just wanted to let it be known that he wasn’t really getting of on the cybersex and that it was all just a big joke on Foley. He’s not REALLY gay. Seriously. He’s totally not gay at all. He was just kidding and Foley fell for it. He’s totally serial, you guys., it was a prank. Yeah, that’s it…a prank.

This really does nothing at all to help Foley and is really only a self-serving claim on the part of this one former page. It’s not a claim that Foley didn’t have cybersex with him, only that he totally didn’t get off on it at all because he’s so not really gay.

For the record, this is not the same kid who complained about the “overly friendly” emails and he’s not one of at least three others who have now come forward to say that Foley came on to them very heavily when they were definitely under 18.