Did Nicole Richie use her malnourished unborn infant to seek publicity?

Was Britney really “torn a new one” for how she looked when she was pregnant? I don’t remember that at all and I didn’t think it was possible for a pregnant woman to be “too fat.” You’re pregnant, you don’t really have control over what the baby does to your body.

I know she stayed a little chunky after the baby was born (I’m sure someone will bite my head off for that statement). And I know aftwerward she was often out in public looking ridiculously unkempt (unkempt for a normal person, which translates to “looks like a leper” to a star).

But I never heard the fat pregnancy outcry.

Is there such thing as Munchausen’s-in-utero? Because if there is, I think she’s a prime candidate for it.
If there isn’t…well, there should be, and my first point applies.