Did "Rocky" win or lose the fight in the first movie?

To complete the list:

Rocky V: Rocky beats champ Tommy Gunn in a street fight.

When I was a kid, I misheard one of the lines. For several years, I thought he sang, “goes in the back and beats OFF on the liverwust,” not "he goes in the back and beats UP on the liverwurst.

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It’s the ryyyyyyyyyyyyye … or the kaiser!

The Kaiser invaded France! And the Netherlands!

He was on a roll, I guess. A Kaiser roll…

I walked into the room while my dad was watching it. They were at the end when Rocky was talking about hate and love and peace after beating the crap out of the Soviet’s Golden Boy.

I couldn’t help blurting out my paraphrase of the Onion Headline “Rocky singlehandly wins the cold war by beating the crap out of a Russian!”