Did the day after scare you?

The Russians maybe—I doubt they have enough weapons anymore to go 2 to 1 in a counter force strike—and the Soviets certainly, but AIUI, the Chinese deterrent is counter value in nature. Though I suspect public knowledge of their deterrent pales in comparison with its actual magnitude. If it’s countervalue though, I guess it’s worse for most of the people here at the SDMB.

I expect Chinese missiles to fly before I expect Russian ones to, not that I think the Russians are friendly. We’ll see. Made it 74 years so far…

YES! Now that one was a bit disturbing. MUCH better than The Day After.

That’s “Threads”. Haven’t seen it.

I saw The Day After. It didn’t scare me. I’d heard about all of that repeatedly in high school. That had already scared me.

Scared? No. I grew up in the “duck and cover” era. I was in my 30s when* The Day After* came out.

Of course, TDA depressed me. Testament depressed me a lot more. My wife got so depressed she got up and walked out - the only time that’s ever happened.

No. It wasn’t well made, and I had thought about its topic before.

That’s I thought. And the movie that scared me the most was The War Game from 1965. It seemed so much more plausible.

Damn. I knew I should finish reading the thread before posting!

I also found Testament somewhat scary, but mostly so so sad.

Yep. I had atom bomb nightmares when I was a kid in the 50s and 60s. I was in SoCal, too. I always figured we’d be one of the first targets.

This, and Special Report or whatever it was called, the one that was broadcastas though it was a live event (iirc even the commercials were part of the show) were really cool at the time, the whole family watched together. They only thing my parents were worried about was if I would get bored part way through.

The one movie that really affected me was the japanese anime, I can’t think of the name, about a boy dealing with the death of his little brother. He carried him to where he thought he would get help but he was already dead. I want to say it was written by and based on the experience of a man who actually did survive the bombing of Hiroshima. My recall of specific details is fuzzy but the overall theme and story was very saddening for me.

Ooh, I remember that one and IIRC it was pretty good!

No. It was laughable.

Grave of the Fireflies (1988). I rented it about a year ago, based on Roger Ebert’s praise. It is indeed brutal and also lovely in its way.

That’s the name, thanks.

Yes, brutal and lovely is an excellent way to describe it.

I found The Day After fairly disturbing, but many years earlier, as an eight-year-old, I had had the living shit scared out of me by the Cuban Missile Crisis, so that may have blunted the impact somewhat.

I’ll add another nod to Special Bulletin. That was very well done, as I recall.

Lastly, film rather TV but the somewhat obscure Miracle Mile, with Anthony Edwards, really messed me up.

I found TDA basically depressing, with two scenes I remember: John Lithgow seeing some missiles in the sky and saying “Those are minutemen missiles”, and a frazzled housewife in denial, insisting on finishing making the bed while the husband yanks her away to go for cover.
Never seen Threads nor WTWB but might after what I’ve read here.

Damnation Alley was kinda fun.:slight_smile:

It occurs to me that a double feature of Grave of the Fireflies and When the Wind Blows is likely the most suicide inducing movie night imaginable.

I didn’t see the “The Day After” when it first aired. It was on my mind for awhile after I saw it as an adult. But it didn’t scare me.

But I do remember watching the movie “Testament” as a kid. It aired on PBS and starred Jane Alexander, who played a mother struggling to keep it all together after a nuclear explosion kills everyone and their mama in a painfully slow way. Now, that movie did scare me. It seemed so realistic.

But I watched it recently and I actually think “The Day After” was more realistic. Like, in “Testament”, people drop like flies after the event, but no one really exhibits any illness or signs leading up to their death. But you see all of that in “The Day After”.

Combine the death scenes of the firefighters from “Chernobyl” with the rest of Testament. Then consider that anything beyond palliative care is likely not going to be available. Acute secondary radiation sickness is about as bad a way to go that there is. Also consider that the cells lining the GI tract are some of the most susceptible to ionizing radiation. Most sufferers are going to die from shitting themselves to death, or systemic sepsis from an initial GI infection, long before they melt into their hospital beds like that one poor bastard.

Just a nightmarish death for the victim and her caregivers.

OTOH, acute radiation sickness is largely a creature of WarDay +30 and shorter, as short half-life, intensely radioactive isotopes largely decay away. Unless you live very near the ground burst. Radiation induced cancer, OTOH…

It’s all true. It just hasn’t happened yet. Evolution created the small pox virus at some point in the past. Sooner or later the same conditions will exits and it will be re-evolve. Or maybe some whacko at the CDC will screw up while playing with the virus being stored in Atlanta(?).

Fail-Safe, or the black-comedy version, Dr.Strangelove will probably not happen in my lifetime, but don’t-cha think it’s probable to occur sometime in the next 83,000 years.

Nuclear war and the inevitable return of small pox certainly would solve the problem of over crowding.