Did the Republicans write off the 2008 election as unwinnable?

He sure didn’t demonstrate that the last time. The harder he campaigned, the more that people got to know who he is, the worse he did.

He’s been doing his hardest to shed that rep.

Yes, it’s called flip flopping.:stuck_out_tongue:

But don’t get the idea I’m a McCain fan. He talked out of both sides of his mouth on some issues too. I kept to my word and refused to vote for him in both the primary and general elections.

GWB is an exception to this rule; the GOP gave him the nod in 2000 over several more experienced and tenured party leaders, most notably McCain.

I disagree. In the mid-late 90’s I was working in a capacity where I was surrounded by politicos. I heard talk of W running as far back as '96. In '99 I got the “heir apparent” vibe from a lot of people before he was even running. It bugged the hell out of me as I was less than enthused by him.

But what was so was that there was a “he’s next in line” mentality by lot of people on the right.

Depends on who you mean by “the party.” Party leaders don’t choose the nominee (much, any more), and primary voters generally don’t think that way.

In what capacity would this decision have been made and specifically by whom? “The Republican party” isn’t a decision making body, except maybe during a primary.

Actually, his brother Jeb was to be the heir apparent. Being married to a Catholic Hispanic didn’t help him with the 'Pub establishment.

Cite? Says who?

At the time I was in the company of higher up pols, including a former governor. Not once did Jebs name come up. I vividly recall, in fact, in the beginning of it all (circa 1996) when I heard the name George Bush come up as a potential candidate, I thought they were talking about the former President.