Did you recommend Netflix?

Man, if only somebody has posted that before… :wink:

Regarding the long waits, I’ve had to wait weeks before some of mine have come in. I swear the following DVDs were not for me, but for my parents: Save the Last Dance is still on hold with Very Long Wait (that’s been like that for at least 3 weeks now), Princess Diaries 2 I waited for at least a month, Troy and King Arthur (okay, these were for me, but I swear, I didn’t enjoy them that much) took somewhere around a month as well.

I can’t find anything but the three at a time for $17.99 on their web site. Where do you find the other pricing options.

Coincidentally, I just re-joined this weekend. I had a free trial a few years ago when they were just starting out but I didn’t bother to renew. One of the reasons I re-joined was they had a great selection of Criterion movies (not complete, though).

No. He saw the film in the theater, I saw an edited for content version. Similarly with Y Tu Mama Tambien, I most definitely saw an edited for content version.

I have not gotten anything from Netflix that was edited for content, although I do wonder how Fritz the Cat went from X to UR.

I don’t know if there’s a way to specifically search for Criterion movies, but many of the DVDs I’ve been sent over the years have been Criterion editions.


Pleased? Wow. I don’t see how anyone could find sexual enjoyment in what she did in that film.

In fact, I thought it was terribly depressing.

I don’t think anyone has mentioned the 2 week free trial Netflix is offering right now. It sure couldn’t hurt to check it out. I joined Blockbuster online a couple months ago (former BB employee here), and was pretty disappointed. I like documentaries and obscure films, and much of their selection wasn’t available (either long waits or very long waits). I would have to tweak my queue every week just to try to get a movie that isn’t usually available. The only plus was that I got two free coupons/month for in-store rentals. So I tried Netflix out, and everything in my queue (except for the stuff that isn’t released yet) is available!! Plus there is a distribution center right here in Baton Rouge, so I get them the day after they ship. Hooray for Netflix! They also have a much better recommendation system than BB online.

Regarding Blockbuster editing stuff out for the stores:
Sometimes (especially with very risque films, such as those mentioned) there will be 2 versions released: a rated version and an unrated version. My Blockbuster store had both versions of Y Tu Mama, but only the rated version of Requiem for a Dream. AFAIK, the unrated version of Requiem is kind of hard to find. BB isn’t the only video store that does this. In my experience, it’s usually easier to find unrated stuff at local video stores (the kind that carry some “adult” videos too). BB has definitely started getting more “unrated” movies, but I think that’s only because more of them are being released (the studio will release a theatrical version and an “unrated” version that has cuts - and maybe some nudie stuff added in for fun - that weren’t shown in the theatre), and the “unrated” DVDs these days don’t seem to be as risque to me.
AFAIK, BB hasn’t ever gone through a movie and edited out certain things on their own. It’s always been a particular version of a studio release. And they certainly wouldn’t do this with their online rentals.

Well, yes, in the context of the story, everything that they did was very depressing. However, surely you won’t argue that one cannot divorce themselves from the story to appreciate things such as the nakedness of a favorite actress? (Unless of course LordVor has to go and ruin it all with a cold dose of reality.)

Or do you believe it more likely that I was actually pleased with the suffering of heroin addicts? “Ooo their suffering is delightful!”

Heh. Me too. My queue is full: this happens at 500 movies. See, I got this book from my aunt for my birthday last November: 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die. It’s arranged chronologically, so that’s the way I’m seein’ 'em. Just saw my first talkie last night–Alfred Hitchcock’s “Blackmail”. Anyhoo, I just took the book and entered movies until it said my queue was full. I’m up to the 1980’s somewhere. And yes, there are movies (quite a few, actually) on my list that Netflix doesn’t have, but I’m pretty sure that’s because they aren’t available on DVD yet. But more are released that way all the time–“Little Caesar” just got released on DVD and bumped to near the top of my queue.

I go into my account page, then click “edit” on my account details. Then it offers me all of these other choices.


Thank you. You are right. I signed up for two free weeks, and now I can see the other options.

Essentially you’ve got to sign up first to get the other pricing options. That seems like an odd.

I just got my first shipment. Not an auspicious start. One of my three DVDs was cracked, and since it’s disc one of a two-part series, there are TWO DVDs I can’t watch until they send me a replacement.

Just popping in to say I’ve been a member for over a year with no bad experience of any kind.