Die, Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs, Die.

I stand up for the rottenness of our bugs.

Maybe they’re not causing problems abroad because the balance of trade is so one-sided in favor of shipping plagues over here.

I recognized the stink bug appearance from the linked photo. We get that or a similar bug crashing into the house near outdoor lights, falling on their backs and flailing helplessly. Don’t notice an odor though and have never seen them indoors unless they fly in through an open door in warm weather.

We have them too and they are driving me crazy. I detest any sort of bug in my house period and the fact that every time I get rid of one (never by crushing) it seems like two take its place is making me mental.

We get a few of them every winter. They never do any harm, and I find them to be quite beautiful.

Of course, if there were a zillion of them crawling over the walls I might think differently.


I’m an entomologist, and even I used to think “what’s the big deal with a few stink bugs?” (the agricultural impact I get, but all the calls I get about them are from people complaining that they have them in the house). We get a few in the house sometimes, I pick them up and throw them outside. No muss, no fuss.

Until a colleague showed me a video he took of people literally shoveling THOUSANDS of these out of their front door with a push broom.


In this thread about stink bugs there are the words “cute” and “beautiful”.

This doesn’t compute :mad:. All the more when, on the good side of nature, there exist kittens and red pandas and otters.

Well, it was bound to happen. I knew that, eventually, they’d find the warmest place in the house.

My bed.

I woke up to find one peacefully sleeping right next to me this morning. Luckily I found it before I rolled over on top of it.

I keep reading the title of this thread as “Brown Marinated Stink Bugs”. And I picture a jar of pickled stink bugs that you can munch on in front of the TV :D.

Their pungent chemicals sure would bring some zing and tartiness to the product.

They’re Chinese.

Either some of these guys, or a very close look-alike, have been hanging around my raspberry plants every June/July for years. They’re harmless individually, and they’ve never been present in numbers sufficient to bother me. They eat some of my raspberries, but not enough to cut into my harvest noticeably. And I’m somewhat fanatical about my raspberries.

This fall and winter was the first time we’ve found them inside, but only a few of them so far. Maybe they’ll become a problem for me sometime down the road, but they’re not even close yet.

Also in Maryland. Was not too worked up about stinkbugs until the day I vacuumed 45 off the bedroom curtain. Yuck. While you’re in orbit, please send a nuke my way. I’d appreciate advanced notice, though, so I can clear out the two- and four-legged inhabitants.

The Jumil, a cousin of this little bastard, is an ingredient in some Mexican recipes. They’re not as stinky, though.

I find the Brown Marmorated to have an overpowering smell similar to that of cilantro- which is really annoying, because I absolutely love cilantro. They’re ruining it for me.

I have a friend who has OCD and is a hypochondriac. The other day a stinkbug landed on her arm and “bit her”. She became alarmed about the “bite” which caused her asthma to flare up.

She wound up at the ER covered in hives, unable to breath, claiming it was from a stink bug bite. I’ve heard her story, but haven’t had the heart to tell her that they do not bite.

I think things have gotten worse.

There was a stinkbug on the bathroom floor this morning. Flipped upside down, legs curled in, dead dead dead. I smiled at its deadness and decided I would sweep it away after my coffee. I came back twenty minutes later and it was dancing around in the sink, completely NOT dead.

We now have zombie stinkbugs.

It’s over. Was nice knowing all of you.

We’ve got zombie stinkbugs in Western PA, too.

I recently washed our dining room curtains, knowing there were a bunch of stinkbugs on them, but figuring they’d die during the cycle.

How naive of me. After washing them, I put the curtains in the dryer, checked out the dead stinkbugs in the washer, gave the inside of the washer a swipe with a paper towel … and looked down to see a paper towel full of wriggling stinkbugs in my hand.

We have bugs that look identical to that in the Pacific NW, they are a regular occupant of my lilac and currant bushes. I’ve never had them in numbers, but that may be to the metric-gigacrapload of giant swift hairy spiders that we have here. My springtime to-do gardening list will include some scientific antagonizing of them to see if they’re smelly.

If successful, your solution in the eastern US is just to request a shipment of giant swift hairy house spiders from us, they’ll clean you right up.

I think they’re cute also :slight_smile:

I had one blow a stink inside the frame of my clothes washer. Now everyt ime it goes through the spin cycle that horrid stink gets spread throughout the laundry room. Blech!

Nah, China has invasive species too, we just don’t hear about them as much:

It’s the only way to be sure.

I have a mini-invasion of (what I believe) are these bugs (they don’t stink when swatted, though). “Mini” means about 4-5 a month. Which is a lot less than some other people have complained about, but still about 4-5 more than I’m interested in having.

Weird thing is that they’re mostly concentrated in the (second floor) master bathroom. An ocasional one goes into the adjoining bedroom, but that’s pretty much it.

What I’m wondering is how they would be getting into this room (exhaust vent?), and why they’re in this room only (the other bathrooms are similarly vented)?

I had a long break from them, but suddenly in the last week or so they are coming back. about ten this week I’d say.

Also, very large slow-moving ants. In the bathroom. In December.
